Update init.lua

Signed-off-by: subcrip <contact@subc.rip>
This commit is contained in:
subcrip 2024-03-22 01:07:19 +08:00
parent 36178ee468
commit e4daec39a5
1 changed files with 157 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ vim.diagnostic.config({
float = { border = "single" },
vim.cmd([[au CursorHold * lua vim.diagnostic.open_float(0,{scope = "cursor"})]])
vim.g.mapleader = " "
vim.g.mapleader = " ";
vim.g['cph#dir'] = '/home/user/RustIsBestLang/';
local lazypath = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/lazy/lazy.nvim"
if not vim.loop.fs_stat(lazypath) then
@ -415,7 +416,8 @@ local plugins = {
image_support = false,
{ 'Civitasv/cmake-tools.nvim' }
{ 'Civitasv/cmake-tools.nvim' },
{ 'p00f/cphelper.nvim' }
local opts = {
@ -623,6 +625,9 @@ vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>dw', '<Cmd>TroubleToggle workspace_diagnostics<CR>'
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>dq', '<Cmd>TroubleToggle quickfix<CR>');
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>w', '<Cmd>TroubleToggle lsp_definitions<CR>');
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>r', '<Cmd>TroubleToggle lsp_references<CR>');
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>1', '<Cmd>CphReceive<CR>');
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>2', '<Cmd>CphTest<CR>');
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>3', '<Cmd>r ~/RustIsBestLang/src/bin/template.cc<CR>G');
require("nvim-treesitter.configs").setup {
incremental_selection = {
enable = true,
@ -643,7 +648,17 @@ vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FileType", {
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('Backup', '!git add . && git commit -m "backup" && git push', {})
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FileType", {
pattern = "python",
callback = function()
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, 'n', "<leader>b", "<Cmd>10sp<CR><Cmd>te python3 %<CR>i", {
silent = true,
noremap = true
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('Backup', '!git add . && git commit -S -m "backup" && git push', {})
local str = require("cmp.utils.str")
@ -1053,3 +1068,142 @@ ls.add_snippets(nil, {
require('neo-tree').setup {
filesystem = {
filtered_items = {
visible = true, -- This is what you want: If you set this to `true`, all "hide" just mean "dimmed out"
hide_dotfiles = false,
hide_gitignored = false,
require("cmake-tools").setup {
cmake_command = "cmake", -- this is used to specify cmake command path
ctest_command = "ctest", -- this is used to specify ctest command path
cmake_regenerate_on_save = true, -- auto generate when save CMakeLists.txt
cmake_generate_options = { "-DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=1" }, -- this will be passed when invoke `CMakeGenerate`
cmake_build_options = {}, -- this will be passed when invoke `CMakeBuild`
-- support macro expansion:
-- ${kit}
-- ${kitGenerator}
-- ${variant:xx}
cmake_build_directory = "out/${variant:buildType}", -- this is used to specify generate directory for cmake, allows macro expansion, relative to vim.loop.cwd()
cmake_soft_link_compile_commands = true, -- this will automatically make a soft link from compile commands file to project root dir
cmake_compile_commands_from_lsp = false, -- this will automatically set compile commands file location using lsp, to use it, please set `cmake_soft_link_compile_commands` to false
cmake_kits_path = nil, -- this is used to specify global cmake kits path, see CMakeKits for detailed usage
cmake_variants_message = {
short = { show = true }, -- whether to show short message
long = { show = true, max_length = 40 }, -- whether to show long message
cmake_dap_configuration = { -- debug settings for cmake
name = "cpp",
type = "codelldb",
request = "launch",
stopOnEntry = false,
runInTerminal = true,
console = "integratedTerminal",
cmake_executor = { -- executor to use
name = "quickfix", -- name of the executor
opts = {}, -- the options the executor will get, possible values depend on the executor type. See `default_opts` for possible values.
default_opts = { -- a list of default and possible values for executors
quickfix = {
show = "always", -- "always", "only_on_error"
position = "belowright", -- "vertical", "horizontal", "leftabove", "aboveleft", "rightbelow", "belowright", "topleft", "botright", use `:h vertical` for example to see help on them
size = 10,
encoding = "utf-8", -- if encoding is not "utf-8", it will be converted to "utf-8" using `vim.fn.iconv`
auto_close_when_success = true, -- typically, you can use it with the "always" option; it will auto-close the quickfix buffer if the execution is successful.
toggleterm = {
direction = "float", -- 'vertical' | 'horizontal' | 'tab' | 'float'
close_on_exit = false, -- whether close the terminal when exit
auto_scroll = true, -- whether auto scroll to the bottom
overseer = {
new_task_opts = {
strategy = {
direction = "horizontal",
autos_croll = true,
quit_on_exit = "success"
}, -- options to pass into the `overseer.new_task` command
on_new_task = function(task)
{ enter = false, direction = "right" }
end, -- a function that gets overseer.Task when it is created, before calling `task:start`
terminal = {
name = "Main Terminal",
prefix_name = "[CMakeTools]: ", -- This must be included and must be unique, otherwise the terminals will not work. Do not use a simple spacebar " ", or any generic name
split_direction = "horizontal", -- "horizontal", "vertical"
split_size = 11,
-- Window handling
single_terminal_per_instance = true, -- Single viewport, multiple windows
single_terminal_per_tab = true, -- Single viewport per tab
keep_terminal_static_location = true, -- Static location of the viewport if avialable
-- Running Tasks
start_insert = false, -- If you want to enter terminal with :startinsert upon using :CMakeRun
focus = false, -- Focus on terminal when cmake task is launched.
do_not_add_newline = false, -- Do not hit enter on the command inserted when using :CMakeRun, allowing a chance to review or modify the command before hitting enter.
}, -- terminal executor uses the values in cmake_terminal
cmake_runner = { -- runner to use
name = "terminal", -- name of the runner
opts = {}, -- the options the runner will get, possible values depend on the runner type. See `default_opts` for possible values.
default_opts = { -- a list of default and possible values for runners
quickfix = {
show = "always", -- "always", "only_on_error"
position = "belowright", -- "bottom", "top"
size = 10,
encoding = "utf-8",
auto_close_when_success = true, -- typically, you can use it with the "always" option; it will auto-close the quickfix buffer if the execution is successful.
toggleterm = {
direction = "float", -- 'vertical' | 'horizontal' | 'tab' | 'float'
close_on_exit = false, -- whether close the terminal when exit
auto_scroll = true, -- whether auto scroll to the bottom
overseer = {
new_task_opts = {
strategy = {
direction = "horizontal",
autos_croll = true,
quit_on_exit = "success"
}, -- options to pass into the `overseer.new_task` command
on_new_task = function(task)
end, -- a function that gets overseer.Task when it is created, before calling `task:start`
terminal = {
name = "Main Terminal",
prefix_name = "[CMakeTools]: ", -- This must be included and must be unique, otherwise the terminals will not work. Do not use a simple spacebar " ", or any generic name
split_direction = "horizontal", -- "horizontal", "vertical"
split_size = 11,
-- Window handling
single_terminal_per_instance = true, -- Single viewport, multiple windows
single_terminal_per_tab = true, -- Single viewport per tab
keep_terminal_static_location = true, -- Static location of the viewport if avialable
-- Running Tasks
start_insert = false, -- If you want to enter terminal with :startinsert upon using :CMakeRun
focus = false, -- Focus on terminal when cmake task is launched.
do_not_add_newline = false, -- Do not hit enter on the command inserted when using :CMakeRun, allowing a chance to review or modify the command before hitting enter.
cmake_notifications = {
runner = { enabled = true },
executor = { enabled = true },
spinner = { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }, -- icons used for progress display
refresh_rate_ms = 100, -- how often to iterate icons