# shellcheck shell=bash # Default Theme # If changes made here does not take effect, then try to re-create the tmux session to force reload. if patched_font_in_use; then TMUX_POWERLINE_SEPARATOR_LEFT_BOLD="" TMUX_POWERLINE_SEPARATOR_LEFT_THIN="" TMUX_POWERLINE_SEPARATOR_RIGHT_BOLD="" TMUX_POWERLINE_SEPARATOR_RIGHT_THIN="" else TMUX_POWERLINE_SEPARATOR_LEFT_BOLD="◀" TMUX_POWERLINE_SEPARATOR_LEFT_THIN="❮" TMUX_POWERLINE_SEPARATOR_RIGHT_BOLD="▶" TMUX_POWERLINE_SEPARATOR_RIGHT_THIN="❯" fi # See Color formatting section below for details on what colors can be used here. TMUX_POWERLINE_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR=${TMUX_POWERLINE_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR:-'235'} TMUX_POWERLINE_DEFAULT_FOREGROUND_COLOR=${TMUX_POWERLINE_DEFAULT_FOREGROUND_COLOR:-'255'} # shellcheck disable=SC2034 TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_AIR_COLOR=$(air_color) TMUX_POWERLINE_DEFAULT_LEFTSIDE_SEPARATOR=${TMUX_POWERLINE_DEFAULT_LEFTSIDE_SEPARATOR:-$TMUX_POWERLINE_SEPARATOR_RIGHT_BOLD} TMUX_POWERLINE_DEFAULT_RIGHTSIDE_SEPARATOR=${TMUX_POWERLINE_DEFAULT_RIGHTSIDE_SEPARATOR:-$TMUX_POWERLINE_SEPARATOR_LEFT_BOLD} # See `man tmux` for additional formatting options for the status line. # The `format regular` and `format inverse` functions are provided as conveniences # shellcheck disable=SC2128 if [ -z "$TMUX_POWERLINE_WINDOW_STATUS_CURRENT" ]; then TMUX_POWERLINE_WINDOW_STATUS_CURRENT=( "#[$(format inverse)]" "$TMUX_POWERLINE_DEFAULT_LEFTSIDE_SEPARATOR" " #I#F " "$TMUX_POWERLINE_SEPARATOR_RIGHT_THIN" " #W " "#[$(format regular)]" "$TMUX_POWERLINE_DEFAULT_LEFTSIDE_SEPARATOR" ) fi # shellcheck disable=SC2128 if [ -z "$TMUX_POWERLINE_WINDOW_STATUS_STYLE" ]; then TMUX_POWERLINE_WINDOW_STATUS_STYLE=( "$(format regular)" ) fi # shellcheck disable=SC2128 if [ -z "$TMUX_POWERLINE_WINDOW_STATUS_FORMAT" ]; then TMUX_POWERLINE_WINDOW_STATUS_FORMAT=( "#[$(format regular)]" " #I#{?window_flags,#F, } " "$TMUX_POWERLINE_SEPARATOR_RIGHT_THIN" " #W " ) fi # Format: segment_name [background_color|default_bg_color] [foreground_color|default_fg_color] [non_default_separator|default_separator] [separator_background_color|no_sep_bg_color] # [separator_foreground_color|no_sep_fg_color] [spacing_disable|no_spacing_disable] [separator_disable|no_separator_disable] # # * background_color and foreground_color. Color formatting (see `man tmux` for complete list): # * Named colors, e.g. black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white # * Hexadecimal RGB string e.g. #ffffff # * 'default_fg_color|default_bg_color' for the default theme bg and fg color # * 'default' for the default tmux color. # * 'terminal' for the terminal's default background/foreground color # * The numbers 0-255 for the 256-color palette. Run `tmux-powerline/color-palette.sh` to see the colors. # * non_default_separator - specify an alternative character for this segment's separator # * 'default_separator' for the theme default separator # * separator_background_color - specify a unique background color for the separator # * 'no_sep_bg_color' for using the default coloring for the separator # * separator_foreground_color - specify a unique foreground color for the separator # * 'no_sep_fg_color' for using the default coloring for the separator # * spacing_disable - remove space on left, right or both sides of the segment: # * "no_spacing_disable" - don't disable spacing (default) # * "left_disable" - disable space on the left # * "right_disable" - disable space on the right # * "both_disable" - disable spaces on both sides # * - any other character/string produces no change to default behavior (eg "none", "X", etc.) # # * separator_disable - disables drawing a separator on this segment, very useful for segments # with dynamic background colours (eg tmux_mem_cpu_load): # * "no_separator_disable" - don't disable the separator (default) # * "separator_disable" - disables the separator # * - any other character/string produces no change to default behavior # # Example segment with separator disabled and right space character disabled: # "hostname 33 0 {TMUX_POWERLINE_SEPARATOR_RIGHT_BOLD} 0 0 right_disable separator_disable" # # Example segment with spacing characters disabled on both sides but not touching the default coloring: # "hostname 33 0 {TMUX_POWERLINE_SEPARATOR_RIGHT_BOLD} no_sep_bg_color no_sep_fg_color both_disable" # # Example segment with changing the foreground color of the default separator: # "hostname 33 0 default_separator no_sep_bg_color 120" # ## Note that although redundant the non_default_separator, separator_background_color and # separator_foreground_color options must still be specified so that appropriate index # of options to support the spacing_disable and separator_disable features can be used # The default_* and no_* can be used to keep the default behaviour. # shellcheck disable=SC1143,SC2128 if [ -z "$TMUX_POWERLINE_LEFT_STATUS_SEGMENTS" ]; then TMUX_POWERLINE_LEFT_STATUS_SEGMENTS=( "tmux_session_info #fb6f92 #ffffff" "hostname #fe8faa #ffffff" #"mode_indicator 165 0" #"ifstat 30 255" #"ifstat_sys 30 255" "lan_ip #ffb3c7 #000000" #"vpn 24 255 ${TMUX_POWERLINE_SEPARATOR_RIGHT_THIN}" # "wan_ip 24 255" "vcs_branch #ffc2d2 #000000" #"vcs_compare 60 255" #"vcs_staged 64 255" #"vcs_modified 9 255" #"vcs_others 245 0" ) fi # shellcheck disable=SC1143,SC2128 if [ -z "$TMUX_POWERLINE_RIGHT_STATUS_SEGMENTS" ]; then TMUX_POWERLINE_RIGHT_STATUS_SEGMENTS=( #"earthquake 3 0" "pwd #ffd7d7 #000000" #"macos_notification_count 29 255" #"mailcount 9 255" "now_playing #f3b6b6 #000000" # "cpu 240 136" # "load 237 167" #"tmux_mem_cpu_load 234 136" "battery #e0a2a2 #000000" #"air ${TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_AIR_COLOR} 255" # "weather 37 255" #"rainbarf 0 ${TMUX_POWERLINE_DEFAULT_FOREGROUND_COLOR}" #"xkb_layout 125 117" "date_day #c38888 #ffffff" "date #a56c6c #ffffff" # ${TMUX_POWERLINE_SEPARATOR_LEFT_THIN}" "time #915858 #ffffff" # ${TMUX_POWERLINE_SEPARATOR_LEFT_THIN}" #"utc_time 235 136 ${TMUX_POWERLINE_SEPARATOR_LEFT_THIN}" ) fi