diff --git a/doc/lazy.nvim.txt b/doc/lazy.nvim.txt index e88747b..64dac25 100644 --- a/doc/lazy.nvim.txt +++ b/doc/lazy.nvim.txt @@ -624,17 +624,19 @@ will be added to the plugin’s spec. pkg = { enabled = true, cache = vim.fn.stdpath("state") .. "/lazy/pkg-cache.lua", - versions = true, -- Honor versions in pkg sources -- the first package source that is found for a plugin will be used. sources = { "lazy", - "rockspec", + "rockspec", -- will only be used when rocks.enabled is true "packspec", }, }, rocks = { + enabled = true, root = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/lazy-rocks", server = "https://nvim-neorocks.github.io/rocks-binaries/", + -- use hererocks to install luarocks. + hererocks = vim.fn.executable("luarocks") == 0, }, dev = { ---@type string | fun(plugin: LazyPlugin): string directory where you store your local plugin projects