refactor(cache): refactor for upstreaming to `vim.loader`

This commit is contained in:
Folke Lemaitre 2023-03-15 15:10:44 +01:00
parent e27c9df5fe
commit 6b55862d2d
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 41F8B1FBACAE2040
4 changed files with 144 additions and 97 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
---@diagnostic disable: duplicate-doc-alias
---@diagnostic disable: duplicate-doc-field
---@diagnostic disable: duplicate-set-field
-- interop with the native Neovim loader
if vim.loader then
return vim.loader
local uv = vim.loop
local M = {}
@ -5,11 +15,17 @@ local M = {}
---@alias CacheHash {mtime: {sec:number, nsec:number}, size:number}
---@alias CacheEntry {hash:CacheHash, chunk:string}
---@class CacheFindOpts
---@class ModuleFindOpts
---@field all? boolean Search for all matches (defaults to `false`)
---@field rtp? boolean Search for modname in the runtime path (defaults to `true`)
---@field patterns? string[] Paterns to use (defaults to `{"/init.lua", ".lua"}`)
---@field paths? string[] Extra paths to search for modname
---@class ModuleInfo
---@field modpath string Path of the module
---@field modname string Name of the module
---@field stat? uv_fs_t File stat of the module path
M.path = vim.fn.stdpath("cache") .. "/luac"
M.enabled = false
@ -18,12 +34,12 @@ M.stats = {
find = { total = 0, time = 0, not_found = 0 },
---@class ModuleCache
---@class Loader
---@field _rtp string[]
---@field _rtp_pure string[]
---@field _rtp_key string
local Cache = {
---@type table<string, table<string,true>>
local Loader = {
---@type table<string, table<string,ModuleInfo>>
_indexed = {},
---@type table<string, string[]>
_topmods = {},
@ -39,9 +55,9 @@ function M._track(stat, start)
--- slightly faster/different version than vim.fs.normalize
--- we also need to have it here, since the cache will load vim.fs
--- we also need to have it here, since the loader will load vim.fs
function Cache.normalize(path)
function Loader.normalize(path)
if path:sub(1, 1) == "~" then
local home = vim.loop.os_homedir() or "~"
if home:sub(-1) == "\\" or home:sub(-1) == "/" then
@ -58,35 +74,35 @@ end
--- When called from a fast event, the cached value will be returned.
--- @return string[] rtp, boolean updated
function Cache.get_rtp()
function Loader.get_rtp()
local start = uv.hrtime()
if vim.in_fast_event() then
M._track("get_rtp", start)
return (Cache._rtp or {}), false
return (Loader._rtp or {}), false
local updated = false
local key = vim.go.rtp
if key ~= Cache._rtp_key then
Cache._rtp = {}
if key ~= Loader._rtp_key then
Loader._rtp = {}
for _, path in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file("", true)) do
path = Cache.normalize(path)
path = Loader.normalize(path)
-- skip after directories
if path:sub(-6, -1) ~= "/after" and not (Cache._indexed[path] and vim.tbl_isempty(Cache._indexed[path])) then
Cache._rtp[#Cache._rtp + 1] = path
if path:sub(-6, -1) ~= "/after" and not (Loader._indexed[path] and vim.tbl_isempty(Loader._indexed[path])) then
Loader._rtp[#Loader._rtp + 1] = path
updated = true
Cache._rtp_key = key
Loader._rtp_key = key
M._track("get_rtp", start)
return Cache._rtp, updated
return Loader._rtp, updated
--- Returns the cache file name
---@param name string can be a module name, or a file name
---@return string file_name
function Cache.cache_file(name)
function Loader.cache_file(name)
local ret = M.path .. "/" .. name:gsub("[/\\:]", "%%")
return ret:sub(-4) == ".lua" and (ret .. "c") or (ret .. ".luac")
@ -95,8 +111,8 @@ end
---@param name string module name or filename
---@param entry CacheEntry
function Cache.write(name, entry)
local cname = Cache.cache_file(name)
function Loader.write(name, entry)
local cname = Loader.cache_file(name)
local f = assert(uv.fs_open(cname, "w", 438))
local header = {
@ -113,9 +129,9 @@ end
---@param name string module name or filename
---@return CacheEntry?
local start = uv.hrtime()
local cname = Cache.cache_file(name)
local cname = Loader.cache_file(name)
local f = uv.fs_open(cname, "r", 438)
if f then
local hash = uv.fs_fstat(f) --[[@as CacheHash]]
@ -142,11 +158,11 @@ end
---@param modname string module name
---@return string|function
function Cache.loader(modname)
function Loader.loader(modname)
local start = uv.hrtime()
local modpath, hash = M.find(modname)
if modpath then
local chunk, err = M.load(modpath, { hash = hash })
local ret = M.find(modname)[1]
if ret then
local chunk, err = Loader.load(ret.modpath, { hash = ret.stat })
M._track("loader", start)
return chunk or error(err)
@ -158,12 +174,12 @@ end
---@param modname string module name
---@return string|function
function Cache.loader_lib(modname)
function Loader.loader_lib(modname)
local start = uv.hrtime()
local is_win = uv.os_uname().sysname:lower():find("win", 1, true)
local modpath = M.find(modname, { patterns = is_win and { ".dll" } or { ".so" } })
local ret = M.find(modname, { patterns = is_win and { ".dll" } or { ".so" } })[1]
---@type function?, string?
if modpath then
if ret then
-- Making function name in Lua 5.1 (see src/loadlib.c:mkfuncname) is
-- a) strip prefix up to and including the first dash, if any
-- b) replace all dots by underscores
@ -171,7 +187,7 @@ function Cache.loader_lib(modname)
-- So "foo-bar.baz" should result in "luaopen_bar_baz"
local dash = modname:find("-", 1, true)
local funcname = dash and modname:sub(dash + 1) or modname
local chunk, err = package.loadlib(modpath, "luaopen_" .. funcname:gsub("%.", "_"))
local chunk, err = package.loadlib(ret.modpath, "luaopen_" .. funcname:gsub("%.", "_"))
M._track("loader_lib", start)
return chunk or error(err)
@ -183,14 +199,15 @@ end
---@param filename? string
---@param mode? "b"|"t"|"bt"
---@param env? table
---@param hash? CacheHash
---@return function?, string? error_message
-- luacheck: ignore 312
function Cache.loadfile(filename, mode, env)
function Loader.loadfile(filename, mode, env, hash)
local start = uv.hrtime()
filename = Cache.normalize(filename)
filename = Loader.normalize(filename)
mode = nil -- ignore mode, since we byte-compile the lua source files
local chunk, err = M.load(filename, { mode = mode, env = env })
local chunk, err = Loader.load(filename, { mode = mode, env = env, hash = hash })
M._track("loadfile", start)
return chunk, err
@ -202,7 +219,7 @@ end
---@param h1 CacheHash
---@param h2 CacheHash
function Cache.eq(h1, h2)
function Loader.eq(h1, h2)
return h1 and h2 and h1.size == h2.size and h1.mtime.sec == h2.mtime.sec and h1.mtime.nsec == h2.mtime.nsec
@ -214,7 +231,8 @@ end
--- - env: (table) the environment to load the module in. (defaults to `nil`)
---@see |luaL_loadfile()|
---@return function?, string? error_message
function M.load(modpath, opts)
function Loader.load(modpath, opts)
local start = uv.hrtime()
opts = opts or {}
@ -224,13 +242,13 @@ function M.load(modpath, opts)
if not hash then
-- trigger correct error
chunk, err = Cache._loadfile(modpath, opts.mode, opts.env)
chunk, err = Loader._loadfile(modpath, opts.mode, opts.env)
M._track("load", start)
return chunk, err
local entry =
if entry and Cache.eq(entry.hash, hash) then
local entry =
if entry and Loader.eq(entry.hash, hash) then
-- found in cache and up to date
-- selene: allow(incorrect_standard_library_use)
chunk, err = load(entry.chunk --[[@as string]], "@" .. modpath, opts.mode, opts.env)
@ -241,22 +259,26 @@ function M.load(modpath, opts)
entry = { hash = hash, modpath = modpath }
chunk, err = Cache._loadfile(modpath, opts.mode, opts.env)
chunk, err = Loader._loadfile(modpath, opts.mode, opts.env)
if chunk then
entry.chunk = string.dump(chunk)
Cache.write(modpath, entry)
Loader.write(modpath, entry)
M._track("load", start)
return chunk, err
--- Finds the module path for the given module name
---@param modname string
---@param opts? CacheFindOpts (table|nil) Options for finding a module:
--- Finds lua modules for the given module name.
---@param modname string Module name, or `"*"` to find the top-level modules instead
---@param opts? ModuleFindOpts (table|nil) Options for finding a module:
--- - rtp: (boolean) Search for modname in the runtime path (defaults to `true`)
--- - patterns: (string[]) Paterns to use (defaults to `{"/init.lua", ".lua"}`)
--- - paths: (string[]) Extra paths to search for modname (defaults to `{}`)
---@return string? modpath, CacheHash? hash (string|nil) modpath for the module
--- - patterns: (string[]) Paterns to use (defaults to `{"/init.lua", ".lua"}`)
-- - all: (boolean) Return all matches instead of just the first one (defaults to `false`)
---@return ModuleInfo[] (list) A list of results with the following properties:
--- - modpath: (string) the path to the module
--- - modname: (string) the name of the module
--- - stat: (table|nil) the fs_stat of the module path. Won't be returned for `modname="*"`
function M.find(modname, opts)
local start = uv.hrtime()
opts = opts or {}
@ -282,65 +304,85 @@ function M.find(modname, opts)
patterns[p] = "/lua/" .. basename .. pattern
---@type ModuleInfo[]
local results = {}
-- Only continue if we haven't found anything yet or we want to find all
local function continue()
return #results == 0 or opts.all
-- Checks if the given paths contain the top-level module.
-- If so, it tries to find the module path for the given module name.
---@param paths string[]
---@return string? modpath, CacheHash? hash
local function _find(paths)
for _, path in ipairs(paths) do
if M.lsmod(path)[topmod] then
if topmod == "*" then
for _, r in pairs(Loader.lsmod(path)) do
results[#results + 1] = r
if not continue() then
elseif Loader.lsmod(path)[topmod] then
for _, pattern in ipairs(patterns) do
local modpath = path .. pattern
M.stats.find.stat = (M.stats.find.stat or 0) + 1
local hash = uv.fs_stat(modpath)
if hash then
return modpath, hash
results[#results + 1] = { modpath = modpath, stat = hash, modname = modname }
if not continue() then
---@type string?, CacheHash?
local modpath, hash
-- always check the rtp first
if opts.rtp ~= false then
modpath, hash = _find(Cache._rtp or {})
if not modpath then
local rtp, updated = Cache.get_rtp()
_find(Loader._rtp or {})
if continue() then
local rtp, updated = Loader.get_rtp()
if updated then
modpath, hash = _find(rtp)
-- check any additional paths
if (not modpath) and opts.paths then
modpath, hash = _find(opts.paths)
if continue() and opts.paths then
M._track("find", start)
if modpath then
return modpath, hash
if #results == 0 then
-- module not found
M.stats.find.not_found = M.stats.find.not_found + 1
--- Resets the topmods cache for the path
---@param path string path to reset
function M.reset(path)
Cache._indexed[Cache.normalize(path)] = nil
return results
--- Enables the cache:
--- * override loadfile
--- * adds the lua loader
--- Resets the topmods cache for the path, or all the paths
--- if path is nil.
---@param path string? path to reset
function M.reset(path)
if path then
Loader._indexed[Loader.normalize(path)] = nil
Loader._indexed = {}
--- Enables the experimental Lua module loader:
--- * overrides loadfile
--- * adds the lua loader using the byte-compilation cache
--- * adds the libs loader
--- * remove the Neovim loader
--- * removes the default Neovim loader
function M.enable()
if M.enabled then
@ -348,11 +390,11 @@ function M.enable()
M.enabled = true
vim.fn.mkdir(vim.fn.fnamemodify(M.path, ":p"), "p")
-- selene: allow(global_usage)
_G.loadfile = Cache.loadfile
_G.loadfile = Loader.loadfile
-- add lua loader
table.insert(package.loaders, 2, Cache.loader)
table.insert(package.loaders, 2, Loader.loader)
-- add libs loader
table.insert(package.loaders, 3, Cache.loader_lib)
table.insert(package.loaders, 3, Loader.loader_lib)
-- remove Neovim loader
for l, loader in ipairs(package.loaders) do
if loader == vim._load_package then
@ -375,19 +417,19 @@ function M.enable()
--- Disables the cache:
--- * removes the cache loaders
--- * adds the Neovim loader
--- Disables the experimental Lua module loader:
--- * removes the loaders
--- * adds the default Neovim loader
function M.disable()
if not M.enabled then
M.enabled = false
-- selene: allow(global_usage)
_G.loadfile = Cache._loadfile
_G.loadfile = Loader._loadfile
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: no-unknown
for l, loader in ipairs(package.loaders) do
if loader == Cache.loader or loader == Cache.loader_lib then
if loader == Loader.loader or loader == Loader.loader_lib then
table.remove(package.loaders, l)
@ -397,19 +439,20 @@ end
--- Return the top-level `/lua/*` modules for this path
---@param path string path to check for top-level lua modules
---@return string[]
function M.lsmod(path)
if not Cache._indexed[path] then
function Loader.lsmod(path)
if not Loader._indexed[path] then
local start = uv.hrtime()
Cache._indexed[path] = {}
Loader._indexed[path] = {}
local handle = vim.loop.fs_scandir(path .. "/lua")
while handle do
local name, t = vim.loop.fs_scandir_next(handle)
if not name then
local modpath = path .. "/lua/" .. name
-- HACK: type is not always returned due to a bug in luv
t = t or uv.fs_stat(path .. "/lua/" .. name).type
t = t or uv.fs_stat(modpath).type
---@type string
local topname
local ext = name:sub(-4)
@ -421,19 +464,20 @@ function M.lsmod(path)
topname = name
if topname then
Cache._indexed[path][topname] = true
Cache._topmods[topname] = Cache._topmods[topname] or {}
if not vim.tbl_contains(Cache._topmods[topname], path) then
table.insert(Cache._topmods[topname], path)
Loader._indexed[path][topname] = { modpath = modpath, modname = topname }
Loader._topmods[topname] = Loader._topmods[topname] or {}
if not vim.tbl_contains(Loader._topmods[topname], path) then
table.insert(Loader._topmods[topname], path)
M._track("lsmod", start)
return Cache._indexed[path]
return Loader._indexed[path]
--- Debug function that wrapps all loaders and tracks stats
function M.profile_loaders()
for l, loader in pairs(package.loaders) do
local loc = debug.getinfo(loader, "Sn").source:sub(2)
@ -448,6 +492,7 @@ function M.profile_loaders()
--- Prints all cache stats
function M.inspect()
local function ms(nsec)
@ -477,6 +522,6 @@ function M.inspect()
vim.api.nvim_echo(chunks, true, {})
M._Cache = Cache
M._Cache = Loader
return M

View File

@ -346,7 +346,8 @@ function M.get_main(plugin)
local normname = Util.normname(
---@type string[]
local mods = {}
for modname, _ in pairs(Cache.lsmod(plugin.dir)) do
for _, mod in ipairs(Cache.find("*", { all = true, rtp = false, paths = { plugin.dir } })) do
local modname = mod.modname
mods[#mods + 1] = modname
local modnorm = Util.normname(modname)
-- if we found an exact match, then use that
@ -476,16 +477,17 @@ end
---@param modname string
function M.loader(modname)
local paths = Util.get_unloaded_rtp(modname)
local modpath, hash = Cache.find(modname, { rtp = false, paths = paths })
if modpath then
M.auto_load(modname, modpath)
local ret = Cache.find(modname, { rtp = false, paths = paths })[1]
if ret then
M.auto_load(modname, ret.modpath)
local mod = package.loaded[modname]
if type(mod) == "table" then
return function()
return mod
return Cache.load(modpath, { hash = hash })
-- selene: allow(incorrect_standard_library_use)
return loadfile(ret.modpath, nil, nil, ret.stat)

View File

@ -241,13 +241,13 @@ function M.get_unloaded_rtp(modname)
function M.find_root(modname)
local modpath = require("lazy.core.cache").find(modname, {
local ret = require("lazy.core.cache").find(modname, {
rtp = true,
paths = M.get_unloaded_rtp(modname),
patterns = { "", ".lua" },
if modpath then
local root = modpath:gsub("/init%.lua$", ""):gsub("%.lua$", "")
if ret then
local root = ret.modpath:gsub("/init%.lua$", ""):gsub("%.lua$", "")
return root

View File

@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ function M.setup(spec, opts)
local start = vim.loop.hrtime()
-- disable the Neovim cache if it would ever be added
if vim.cache and vim.cache.disable then
-- use the NEovim cache if available
if vim.loader then
package.loaded["lazy.core.cache"] = vim.loader
local Cache = require("lazy.core.cache")