---@class LazyUtil: LazyUtilCore local M = setmetatable({}, { __index = require("lazy.core.util") }) function M.file_exists(file) return vim.uv.fs_stat(file) ~= nil end ---@param opts? LazyFloatOptions ---@return LazyFloat function M.float(opts) return require("lazy.view.float")(opts) end function M.wo(win, k, v) if vim.api.nvim_set_option_value then vim.api.nvim_set_option_value(k, v, { scope = "local", win = win }) else vim.wo[win][k] = v end end ---@param opts? {system?:boolean} function M.open(uri, opts) opts = opts or {} if not opts.system and M.file_exists(uri) then return M.float({ style = "", file = uri }) end local Config = require("lazy.core.config") local cmd if not opts.system and Config.options.ui.browser then cmd = { Config.options.ui.browser, uri } elseif vim.fn.has("win32") == 1 then cmd = { "explorer", uri } elseif vim.fn.has("macunix") == 1 then cmd = { "open", uri } else if vim.fn.executable("xdg-open") == 1 then cmd = { "xdg-open", uri } elseif vim.fn.executable("wslview") == 1 then cmd = { "wslview", uri } else cmd = { "open", uri } end end local ret = vim.fn.jobstart(cmd, { detach = true }) if ret <= 0 then local msg = { "Failed to open uri", ret, vim.inspect(cmd), } vim.notify(table.concat(msg, "\n"), vim.log.levels.ERROR) end end function M.read_file(file) local fd = assert(io.open(file, "r")) ---@type string local data = fd:read("*a") fd:close() return data end function M.write_file(file, contents) local fd = assert(io.open(file, "w+")) fd:write(contents) fd:close() end ---@generic F: fun() ---@param ms number ---@param fn F ---@return F function M.throttle(ms, fn) ---@type Async local async local pending = false return function() if async and async:running() then pending = true return end ---@async async = require("lazy.async").new(function() repeat pending = false fn() async:sleep(ms) until not pending end) end end --- Creates a weak reference to an object. --- Calling the returned function will return the object if it has not been garbage collected. ---@generic T: table ---@param obj T ---@return T|fun():T? function M.weak(obj) local weak = { _obj = obj } ---@return table local function get() local ret = rawget(weak, "_obj") return ret == nil and error("Object has been garbage collected", 2) or ret end local mt = { __mode = "v", __call = function(t) return rawget(t, "_obj") end, __index = function(_, k) return get()[k] end, __newindex = function(_, k, v) get()[k] = v end, __pairs = function() return pairs(get()) end, } return setmetatable(weak, mt) end ---@class LazyCmdOptions: LazyFloatOptions ---@field cwd? string ---@field env? table ---@field float? LazyFloatOptions -- Opens a floating terminal (interactive by default) ---@param cmd? string[]|string ---@param opts? LazyCmdOptions|{interactive?:boolean} function M.float_term(cmd, opts) cmd = cmd or {} if type(cmd) == "string" then cmd = { cmd } end if #cmd == 0 then cmd = { vim.o.shell } end opts = opts or {} local float = M.float(opts) vim.fn.termopen(cmd, vim.tbl_isempty(opts) and vim.empty_dict() or opts) if opts.interactive ~= false then vim.cmd.startinsert() vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("TermClose", { once = true, buffer = float.buf, callback = function() float:close({ wipe = true }) vim.cmd.checktime() end, }) end return float end --- Runs the command and shows it in a floating window ---@param cmd string[] ---@param opts? LazyCmdOptions|{filetype?:string} function M.float_cmd(cmd, opts) opts = opts or {} local Process = require("lazy.manage.process") local lines, code = Process.exec(cmd, { cwd = opts.cwd }) if code ~= 0 then M.error({ "`" .. table.concat(cmd, " ") .. "`", "", "## Error", table.concat(lines, "\n"), }, { title = "Command Failed (" .. code .. ")" }) return end local float = M.float(opts) if opts.filetype then vim.bo[float.buf].filetype = opts.filetype end vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(float.buf, 0, -1, false, lines) vim.bo[float.buf].modifiable = false return float end ---@deprecated use float_term or float_cmd instead function M.open_cmd() M.warn([[`require("lazy.util").open_cmd()` is deprecated. Please use `float_term` instead. Check the docs]]) end ---@return string? function M.head(file) local f = io.open(file) if f then local ret = f:read() f:close() return ret end end ---@return {branch: string, hash:string}? function M.git_info(dir) local line = M.head(dir .. "/.git/HEAD") if line then ---@type string, string local ref, branch = line:match("ref: (refs/heads/(.*))") if ref then return { branch = branch, hash = M.head(dir .. "/.git/" .. ref), } end end end ---@param msg string|string[] ---@param opts? table function M.markdown(msg, opts) if type(msg) == "table" then msg = table.concat(msg, "\n") or msg end vim.notify( msg, vim.log.levels.INFO, vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", { title = "lazy.nvim", on_open = function(win) M.wo(win, "conceallevel", 3) M.wo(win, "concealcursor", "n") M.wo(win, "spell", false) vim.treesitter.start(vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(win), "markdown") end, }, opts or {}) ) end function M._dump(value, result) local t = type(value) if t == "number" or t == "boolean" then table.insert(result, tostring(value)) elseif t == "string" then table.insert(result, ("%q"):format(value)) elseif t == "table" and value._raw then table.insert(result, value._raw) elseif t == "table" then table.insert(result, "{") for _, v in ipairs(value) do M._dump(v, result) table.insert(result, ",") end ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: no-unknown for k, v in pairs(value) do if type(k) == "string" then if k:match("^[a-zA-Z]+$") then table.insert(result, ("%s="):format(k)) else table.insert(result, ("[%q]="):format(k)) end M._dump(v, result) table.insert(result, ",") end end table.insert(result, "}") else error("Unsupported type " .. t) end end function M.dump(value) local result = {} M._dump(value, result) return table.concat(result, "") end ---@generic V ---@param t table ---@param fn fun(key:string, value:V) ---@param opts? {case_sensitive?:boolean} function M.foreach(t, fn, opts) ---@type string[] local keys = vim.tbl_keys(t) pcall(table.sort, keys, function(a, b) if opts and opts.case_sensitive then return a < b end return a:lower() < b:lower() end) for _, key in ipairs(keys) do fn(key, t[key]) end end return M