*lazy.nvim.txt* For NVIM v0.5.0 Last change: 2022 December 05 ============================================================================== Table of Contents *lazy.nvim-table-of-contents* 1. lazy.nvim |lazy.nvim-lazy.nvim| - Features |lazy.nvim-features| - TODO |lazy.nvim-todo| - Differences with Packer |lazy.nvim-differences-with-packer| - Other Neovim Plugin Managers in Lua|lazy.nvim-other-neovim-plugin-managers-in-lua| ============================================================================== 1. lazy.nvim *lazy.nvim-lazy.nvim* FEATURES *lazy.nvim-features* - Partial clones instead of shallow clones - waits till missing deps are installed (bootstrap Neovim and start using it right away) - Async - No need for compile - Fast - Correct sequencing of dependencies (deps should always be opt. Maybe make everything opt?) - Config in multiple files - Patterns for local packages - Profiling - lockfile - upvalues in `config` & `init` - check for updates - lazy-lock.lua - tag/version support `git tag --sort version:refname` - auto-loading on completion for lazy-loaded commands - bootstrap code - semver https://devhints.io/semver https://semver.npmjs.com/ TODO *lazy.nvim-todo* - health checks: check merge conflicts async - unsupported props or props from other managers - other packages still in site? - other package manager artifacts still present? compiled etc - fix plugin details - show disabled plugins (strikethrough?) - log file - git tests - Import specs from other plugin managers - Background update checker - packspec - add support to specify `engines`, `os` and `cpu` like in `package.json` - semver merging. Should check if two or more semver ranges are compatible and calculate the union range - default semver merging strategy: if no version matches all, then use highest version? - package meta index (package.lua cache for all packages) - status page showing running handlers and cache stats - delete lazy keymaps when a plugin loads. Reset handlers for a plugin? - deal with re-sourcing init.lua. Check a global? - rename `run` to `build` - temp colorscheme - allow setting up plugins through config **fooo** - task timeout - incorrect when switching TN from opt to start - max concurrency - ui border - make sure we can reload specs while keeping state - use uv file watcher (or stat) to check for config changes - support for Plugin.lock - defaults for git log - view keybindings for update/clean/… - add profiler to view - add buttons for actions - show time taken for op in view - auto lazy-loading of lua modules - clear errors - add support for versions `git tag --sort v:refname` - rename requires to dependencies - move tasks etc to Plugin.state - handlers imply opt - dependencies imply opt for deps - fix local plugin spec - investigate all opt=true. Simplifies logic (easily switch between opt/start afterwards) DIFFERENCES WITH PACKER *lazy.nvim-differences-with-packer* - **Plugin Spec**: - `setup` => `init` - `requires` => `dependencies` - `as` => `name` - `opt` => `lazy` - `run` => `build` - `lock` => `pin` - `module` is auto-loaded. No need to specify OTHER NEOVIM PLUGIN MANAGERS IN LUA*lazy.nvim-other-neovim-plugin-managers-in-lua* - packer.nvim - paq-nvim - neopm - dep - optpack.nvim - pact.nvim Generated by panvimdoc vim:tw=78:ts=8:noet:ft=help:norl: