local Util = require("lazy.util") local Render = require("lazy.view.render") local Config = require("lazy.core.config") local ViewConfig = require("lazy.view.config") local Git = require("lazy.manage.git") local Diff = require("lazy.view.diff") local Float = require("lazy.view.float") ---@class LazyViewState ---@field mode string ---@field plugin? string local default_state = { mode = "home", profile = { threshold = 0, sort_time_taken = false, }, } ---@class LazyView: LazyFloat ---@field render LazyRender ---@field state LazyViewState local M = {} ---@type LazyView M.view = nil ---@param mode? string function M.show(mode) if Config.headless then return end M.view = (M.view and M.view.win) and M.view or M.create({ mode = mode }) if mode then M.view.state.mode = mode end M.view:update() end function M.create() local self = setmetatable({}, { __index = setmetatable(M, { __index = Float }) }) ---@cast self LazyView Float.init(self) require("lazy.view.colors").setup() self.state = vim.deepcopy(default_state) self.render = Render.new(self) self.update = Util.throttle(Config.options.ui.throttle, self.update) self:on("User LazyRender", function() if not (self.buf and vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(self.buf)) then return true end self:update() end) -- plugin details self:on_key(ViewConfig.keys.details, function() local plugin = self.render:get_plugin() if plugin then self.state.plugin = self.state.plugin ~= plugin.name and plugin.name or nil self:update() end end) self:on_key(ViewConfig.keys.profile_sort, function() if self.state.mode == "profile" then self.state.profile.sort_time_taken = not self.state.profile.sort_time_taken self:update() end end) self:on_key(ViewConfig.keys.profile_filter, function() if self.state.mode == "profile" then vim.ui.input({ prompt = "Enter time threshold in ms, like 0.5", default = tostring(self.state.profile.threshold), }, function(input) if not input then return end local num = input == "" and 0 or tonumber(input) if not num then Util.error("Please input a number") else self.state.profile.threshold = num self:update() end end) end end) for key, handler in pairs(Config.options.ui.custom_keys) do if handler then self:on_key(key, function() local plugin = self.render:get_plugin() if plugin then handler(plugin) end end) end end self:setup_patterns() self:setup_modes() return self end function M:update() if self.buf and vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(self.buf) then vim.bo[self.buf].modifiable = true self.render:update() vim.bo[self.buf].modifiable = false vim.cmd.redraw() end end function M:open_url(path) local plugin = self.render:get_plugin() if plugin then if plugin.url then local url = plugin.url:gsub("%.git$", "") Util.open(url .. path) else Util.error("No url for " .. plugin.name) end end end function M:setup_patterns() local commit_pattern = "%f[%w](" .. string.rep("%w", 7) .. ")%f[%W]" self:on_pattern(ViewConfig.keys.hover, { [commit_pattern] = function(hash) self:diff({ commit = hash, browser = true }) end, ["#(%d+)"] = function(issue) self:open_url("/issues/" .. issue) end, ["README.md"] = function() local plugin = self.render:get_plugin() if plugin then Util.open(plugin.dir .. "/README.md") end end, ["|(%S-)|"] = vim.cmd.help, -- vim help links ["(https?://%S+)"] = function(url) Util.open(url) end, }, self.hover) self:on_pattern(ViewConfig.keys.diff, { [commit_pattern] = function(hash) self:diff({ commit = hash }) end, }, self.diff) end function M:hover() if self:diff({ browser = true }) then return end self:open_url("") end ---@param opts? {commit?:string, browser:boolean} function M:diff(opts) opts = opts or {} local plugin = self.render:get_plugin() if plugin then local diff if opts.commit then diff = { commit = opts.commit } elseif plugin._.updated then diff = vim.deepcopy(plugin._.updated) else local info = assert(Git.info(plugin.dir)) local target = assert(Git.get_target(plugin)) diff = { from = info.commit, to = target.commit } end if not diff then return end for k, v in pairs(diff) do diff[k] = v:sub(1, 7) end if opts.browser then Diff.handlers.browser(plugin, diff) else Diff.handlers[Config.options.diff.cmd](plugin, diff) end end end --- will create a key mapping that can be used on certain patterns ---@param key string ---@param patterns table ---@param fallback? fun(self) function M:on_pattern(key, patterns, fallback) self:on_key(key, function() local line = vim.api.nvim_get_current_line() local pos = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0) local col = pos[2] + 1 for pattern, handler in pairs(patterns) do local from = 1 local to, url while from do from, to, url = line:find(pattern, from) if from and col >= from and col <= to then return handler(url) end if from then from = to + 1 end end end if fallback then fallback(self) end end) end function M:setup_modes() local Commands = require("lazy.view.commands") for name, m in pairs(ViewConfig.commands) do if m.key then self:on_key(m.key, function() if self.state.mode == name and m.toggle then self.state.mode = "home" return self:update() end Commands.cmd(name) end, m.desc) end if m.key_plugin then self:on_key(m.key_plugin, function() local plugin = self.render:get_plugin() if plugin then Commands.cmd(name, { plugins = { plugin } }) end end, m.desc_plugin) end end end return M