local Config = require("lazy.core.config") local Loader = require("lazy.core.loader") local Util = require("lazy.util") ---@type table local M = {} ---@param plugin LazyPlugin local function get_build_file(plugin) for _, path in ipairs({ "build.lua", "build/init.lua" }) do if Util.file_exists(plugin.dir .. "/" .. path) then return path end end end local B = {} ---@param task LazyTask function B.rockspec(task) ---@type table local env = {} if Config.options.rocks.hererocks then local hererocks = Config.options.rocks.root .. "/hererocks" local sep = jit.os:find("Windows") and ";" or ":" local path = vim.split(vim.env.PATH, sep) table.insert(path, 1, hererocks .. "/bin") env = { PATH = table.concat(path, sep), } local plugin = Config.plugins.hererocks -- hererocks is still building, so skip for now if plugin and plugin._.build then return end end local root = Config.options.rocks.root .. "/" .. task.plugin.name task:spawn("luarocks", { args = { "--tree", root, "--server", Config.options.rocks.server, "--dev", "--lua-version", "5.1", "make", "--force-fast", }, cwd = task.plugin.dir, env = env, }) end ---@param task LazyTask ---@param build string function B.cmd(task, build) local cmd = vim.api.nvim_parse_cmd(build:sub(2), {}) --[[@as vim.api.keyset.cmd]] task.output = vim.api.nvim_cmd(cmd, { output = true }) end ---@param task LazyTask ---@param build string function B.shell(task, build) local shell = vim.env.SHELL or vim.o.shell local shell_args = shell:find("cmd.exe", 1, true) and "/c" or "-c" task:spawn(shell, { args = { shell_args, build }, cwd = task.plugin.dir, }) end M.build = { ---@param opts? {force:boolean} skip = function(plugin, opts) if opts and opts.force then return false end return not ((plugin._.dirty or plugin._.build) and (plugin.build or get_build_file(plugin))) end, run = function(self) vim.cmd([[silent! runtime plugin/rplugin.vim]]) if self.plugin.build ~= "rockspec" then Loader.load(self.plugin, { task = "build" }) end local builders = self.plugin.build -- Skip if `build` is set to `false` if builders == false then return end builders = builders or get_build_file(self.plugin) if builders then builders = type(builders) == "table" and builders or { builders } ---@cast builders (string|fun(LazyPlugin))[] for _, build in ipairs(builders) do if type(build) == "function" then self:async(function() build(self.plugin) end) elseif build == "rockspec" then B.rockspec(self) elseif build:sub(1, 1) == ":" then B.cmd(self, build) elseif build:match("%.lua$") then local file = self.plugin.dir .. "/" .. build local chunk, err = loadfile(file) if not chunk or err then error(err) end self:async(chunk) else B.shell(self, build) end end end end, } M.docs = { skip = function(plugin) return not plugin._.dirty end, run = function(self) local docs = self.plugin.dir .. "/doc/" if Util.file_exists(docs) then self.output = vim.api.nvim_cmd({ cmd = "helptags", args = { docs } }, { output = true }) end end, } return M