local Config = require("lazy.core.config") local Git = require("lazy.manage.git") local Lock = require("lazy.manage.lock") local Util = require("lazy.util") ---@type table local M = {} M.log = { ---@param opts {updated?:boolean, check?: boolean} skip = function(plugin, opts) if opts.check and plugin.pin then return true end if opts.updated and not (plugin._.updated and plugin._.updated.from ~= plugin._.updated.to) then return true end local stat = vim.loop.fs_stat(plugin.dir .. "/.git") return not (stat and stat.type == "directory") end, ---@param opts {args?: string[], updated?:boolean, check?:boolean} run = function(self, opts) local args = { "log", "--pretty=format:%h %s (%cr)", "--abbrev-commit", "--decorate", "--date=short", "--color=never", "--no-show-signature", } if opts.updated then table.insert(args, self.plugin._.updated.from .. ".." .. (self.plugin._.updated.to or "HEAD")) elseif opts.check then local info = assert(Git.info(self.plugin.dir)) local target = assert(Git.get_target(self.plugin)) if not target.commit then for k, v in pairs(target) do error(k .. " '" .. v .. "' not found") end error("no target commit found") end assert(target.commit, self.plugin.name .. " " .. target.branch) if not Git.eq(info, target) then self.plugin._.updates = { from = info, to = target } end table.insert(args, info.commit .. ".." .. target.commit) else vim.list_extend(args, opts.args or Config.options.git.log) end self:spawn("git", { args = args, cwd = self.plugin.dir, }) end, } M.clone = { skip = function(plugin) return plugin._.installed or plugin._.is_local end, run = function(self) local args = { "clone", self.plugin.url, } if Config.options.git.filter then args[#args + 1] = "--filter=blob:none" end if self.plugin.submodules ~= false then args[#args + 1] = "--recurse-submodules" end args[#args + 1] = "--origin=origin" args[#args + 1] = "--progress" if self.plugin.branch then vim.list_extend(args, { "-b", self.plugin.branch }) end table.insert(args, self.plugin.dir) if vim.fn.isdirectory(self.plugin.dir) == 1 then require("lazy.manage.task.fs").clean.run(self, {}) end local marker = self.plugin.dir .. ".cloning" Util.write_file(marker, "") self:spawn("git", { args = args, on_exit = function(ok) if ok then self.plugin._.cloned = true self.plugin._.installed = true self.plugin._.dirty = true vim.loop.fs_unlink(marker) end end, }) end, } -- setup origin branches if needed -- fetch will retrieve the data M.branch = { skip = function(plugin) if not plugin._.installed or plugin._.is_local then return true end local branch = assert(Git.get_branch(plugin)) return Git.get_commit(plugin.dir, branch) end, run = function(self) local args = { "remote", "set-branches", "--add", "origin", assert(Git.get_branch(self.plugin)), } self:spawn("git", { args = args, cwd = self.plugin.dir, }) end, } -- check and switch origin M.origin = { skip = function(plugin) if not plugin._.installed or plugin._.is_local then return true end local origin = Git.get_origin(plugin.dir) return origin == plugin.url end, ---@param opts {check?:boolean} run = function(self, opts) if opts.check then local origin = Git.get_origin(self.plugin.dir) self.error = "Origin has changed:\n" self.error = self.error .. " * old: " .. origin .. "\n" self.error = self.error .. " * new: " .. self.plugin.url .. "\n" self.error = self.error .. "Please run update to fix" return end require("lazy.manage.task.fs").clean.run(self, opts) M.clone.run(self, opts) end, } M.status = { skip = function(plugin) return not plugin._.installed or plugin._.is_local end, run = function(self) self:spawn("git", { args = { "ls-files", "-d", "-m" }, cwd = self.plugin.dir, on_exit = function(ok, output) if ok then local lines = vim.split(output, "\n") lines = vim.tbl_filter(function(line) -- Fix doc/tags being marked as modified if line:gsub("[\\/]", "/") == "doc/tags" then local Process = require("lazy.manage.process") Process.exec({ "git", "checkout", "--", "doc/tags" }, { cwd = self.plugin.dir }) return false end return line ~= "" end, lines) if #lines > 0 then self.error = "You have local changes in `" .. self.plugin.dir .. "`:\n" for _, line in ipairs(lines) do self.error = self.error .. " * " .. line .. "\n" end self.error = self.error .. "Please remove them to update.\n" self.error = self.error .. "You can also press `x` to remove the plugin and then `I` to install it again." end end end, }) end, } -- fetches all needed origin branches M.fetch = { skip = function(plugin) return not plugin._.installed or plugin._.is_local end, run = function(self) local args = { "fetch", "--recurse-submodules", "--tags", -- also fetch remote tags "--force", -- overwrite existing tags if needed "--progress", } if self.plugin.submodules == false then table.remove(args, 2) end self:spawn("git", { args = args, cwd = self.plugin.dir, }) end, } -- checkout to the target commit -- branches will exists at this point, so so will the commit M.checkout = { skip = function(plugin) return not plugin._.installed or plugin._.is_local end, ---@param opts {lockfile?:boolean} run = function(self, opts) local info = assert(Git.info(self.plugin.dir)) local target = assert(Git.get_target(self.plugin)) -- if the plugin is pinned and we did not just clone it, -- then don't update if self.plugin.pin and not self.plugin._.cloned then target = info end local lock if opts.lockfile then -- restore to the lock if it exists lock = Lock.get(self.plugin) if lock then ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: cast-local-type target = lock end end -- dont run checkout if target is already reached. -- unless we just cloned, since then we won't have any data yet if Git.eq(info, target) and info.branch == target.branch then self.plugin._.updated = { from = info.commit, to = info.commit, } return end local args = { "checkout", "--progress", "--recurse-submodules", } if self.plugin.submodules == false then table.remove(args, 3) end if lock then table.insert(args, lock.commit) elseif target.tag then table.insert(args, "tags/" .. target.tag) elseif self.plugin.commit then table.insert(args, self.plugin.commit) else table.insert(args, target.commit) end self:spawn("git", { args = args, cwd = self.plugin.dir, on_exit = function(ok) if ok then local new_info = assert(Git.info(self.plugin.dir)) if not self.plugin._.cloned then self.plugin._.updated = { from = info.commit, to = new_info.commit, } if self.plugin._.updated.from ~= self.plugin._.updated.to then self.plugin._.dirty = true end end end end, }) end, } return M