local ffi = require("ffi") local M = {} ---@class LazyStats M._stats = { -- startuptime in milliseconds till UIEnter startuptime = 0, -- when true, startuptime is the accurate cputime for the Neovim process. (Linux & Macos) -- this is more accurate than `nvim --startuptime`, and as such will be slightly higher -- when false, startuptime is calculated based on a delta with a timestamp when lazy started. startuptime_cputime = false, count = 0, -- total number of plugins loaded = 0, -- number of loaded plugins ---@type table times = {}, } ---@type ffi.namespace*|boolean M.C = nil function M.on_ui_enter() M._stats.startuptime = M.track("UIEnter") M._stats.startuptime_cputime = M.C.clock_gettime ~= nil vim.cmd([[do User LazyVimStarted]]) end function M.track(event) local time = M.cputime() M._stats.times[event] = time return time end function M.cputime() if M.C == nil then pcall(function() ffi.cdef([[ typedef long time_t; typedef int clockid_t; typedef struct timespec { time_t tv_sec; /* seconds */ long tv_nsec; /* nanoseconds */ } nanotime; int clock_gettime(clockid_t clk_id, struct timespec *tp); ]]) end) M.C = ffi.C end if M.C.clock_gettime then local pnano = assert(ffi.new("nanotime[?]", 1)) local CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID = jit.os == "OSX" and 12 or 2 ffi.C.clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, pnano) return tonumber(pnano[0].tv_sec) / 1e6 + tonumber(pnano[0].tv_nsec) / 1e6 else return (vim.loop.hrtime() - require("lazy")._start) / 1e6 end end function M.stats() M._stats.count = 0 M._stats.loaded = 0 for _, plugin in pairs(require("lazy.core.config").plugins) do M._stats.count = M._stats.count + 1 if plugin._.loaded then M._stats.loaded = M._stats.loaded + 1 end end return M._stats end return M