local Config = require("lazy.core.config") local Util = require("lazy.util") local M = {} function M.index(plugin) if Config.options.readme.skip_if_doc_exists and vim.loop.fs_stat(plugin.dir .. "/doc") then return {} end ---@type table local tags = {} for _, file in ipairs(Config.options.readme.files) do file = plugin.dir .. "/" .. file if vim.loop.fs_stat(file) then local lines = vim.split(Util.read_file(file), "\n") for _, line in ipairs(lines) do local title = line:match("^#+%s*(.*)") if title then local tag = plugin.name .. "-" .. title:lower():gsub("%W+", "-") tag = tag:gsub("%-+", "-"):gsub("%-$", "") tags[tag] = { tag = tag, line = line, file = plugin.name .. ".md" } end end table.insert(lines, [[]]) Util.write_file(Config.options.readme.root .. "/doc/" .. plugin.name .. ".md", table.concat(lines, "\n")) end end return tags end function M.update() local docs = Config.options.readme.root .. "/doc" vim.fn.mkdir(docs, "p") Util.ls(docs, function(path, name, type) if type == "file" and name:sub(-2) == "md" then vim.loop.fs_unlink(path) end end) ---@type {file:string, tag:string, line:string}[] local tags = {} for _, plugin in pairs(Config.plugins) do for key, tag in pairs(M.index(plugin)) do tags[key] = tag end end local lines = { [[!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING utf-8 //]] } Util.foreach(tags, function(_, tag) table.insert(lines, ("%s\t%s\t/%s"):format(tag.tag, tag.file, tag.line)) end) Util.write_file(docs .. "/tags", table.concat(lines, "\n")) end return M