local Util = require("lazy.core.util") local Config = require("lazy.core.config") local Handler = require("lazy.core.handler") local M = {} local DEFAULT_PRIORITY = 50 ---@type LazyPlugin[] M.loading = {} M.init_done = false ---@type table M.disabled_rtp_plugins = { packer_compiled = true } function M.setup() -- setup handlers Util.track("handlers") Handler.setup() Util.track() for _, file in ipairs(Config.options.performance.rtp.disabled_plugins) do M.disabled_rtp_plugins[file] = true end vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("ColorSchemePre", { callback = function(event) M.colorscheme(event.match) end, }) -- autoload opt plugins table.insert(package.loaders, M.autoload) -- install missing plugins if Config.options.install.missing then Util.track("install") for _, plugin in pairs(Config.plugins) do if not plugin._.installed then for _, colorscheme in ipairs(Config.options.install.colorscheme) do if pcall(vim.cmd.colorscheme, colorscheme) then break end end require("lazy.manage").install({ wait = true }) break end end Util.track() end end -- Startup sequence -- 1. load any start plugins and do init function M.startup() Util.track({ start = "startup" }) -- load filetype.lua first since plugins might depend on that M.source(vim.env.VIMRUNTIME .. "/filetype.lua") -- backup original rtp local rtp = vim.opt.rtp:get() -- 1. run plugin init Util.track({ start = "init" }) for _, plugin in pairs(Config.plugins) do if plugin.init then Util.track({ plugin = plugin.name, init = "init" }) Util.try(function() plugin.init(plugin) end, "Failed to run `init` for **" .. plugin.name .. "**") Util.track() end end Util.track() -- 2. load start plugin Util.track({ start = "start" }) for _, plugin in ipairs(M.get_start_plugins()) do -- plugin may be loaded by another plugin in the meantime if not plugin._.loaded then M.load(plugin, { start = "start" }) end end Util.track() -- 3. load plugins from rtp, excluding after Util.track({ start = "rtp plugins" }) for _, path in ipairs(rtp) do if not path:find("after/?$") then M.packadd(path) end end Util.track() -- 4. load after plugins Util.track({ start = "after" }) for _, path in ipairs(vim.opt.rtp:get()) do if path:find("after/?$") then M.source_runtime(path, "plugin") end end Util.track() M.init_done = true Util.track() end function M.get_start_plugins() ---@type LazyPlugin[] local start = {} for _, plugin in pairs(Config.plugins) do if plugin.lazy == false and not plugin._.loaded then start[#start + 1] = plugin end end table.sort(start, function(a, b) local ap = a.priority or DEFAULT_PRIORITY local bp = b.priority or DEFAULT_PRIORITY return ap > bp end) return start end ---@class Loader ---@param plugins string|LazyPlugin|string[]|LazyPlugin[] ---@param reason {[string]:string} function M.load(plugins, reason) ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: cast-local-type plugins = (type(plugins) == "string" or plugins.name) and { plugins } or plugins ---@cast plugins (string|LazyPlugin)[] for _, plugin in pairs(plugins) do local try_load = true if type(plugin) == "string" then if not Config.plugins[plugin] then Util.error("Plugin " .. plugin .. " not found") try_load = false else plugin = Config.plugins[plugin] end end if try_load and plugin.cond then try_load = plugin.cond == true or (type(plugin.cond) == "function" and plugin.cond()) or false plugin._.cond = try_load end ---@cast plugin LazyPlugin if try_load and not plugin._.loaded then ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: assign-type-mismatch plugin._.loaded = {} for k, v in pairs(reason) do plugin._.loaded[k] = v end if #M.loading > 0 then plugin._.loaded.plugin = M.loading[#M.loading].name elseif reason.require then plugin._.loaded.source = Util.get_source() end table.insert(M.loading, plugin) Util.track({ plugin = plugin.name, start = reason.start }) Handler.disable(plugin) vim.opt.runtimepath:prepend(plugin.dir) local after = plugin.dir .. "/after" if vim.loop.fs_stat(after) then vim.opt.runtimepath:append(after) end if plugin.dependencies then Util.try(function() M.load(plugin.dependencies, {}) end, "Failed to load deps for " .. plugin.name) end M.packadd(plugin.dir) if plugin.config then M.config(plugin) end plugin._.loaded.time = Util.track().time table.remove(M.loading) vim.schedule(function() vim.cmd("do User LazyRender") end) end end end --- runs plugin config ---@param plugin LazyPlugin function M.config(plugin) local fn if type(plugin.config) == "function" then fn = function() plugin.config(plugin) end else local normname = Util.normname(plugin.name) ---@type table local mods = {} Util.ls(plugin.dir .. "/lua", function(_, modname) modname = modname:gsub("%.lua$", "") mods[modname] = modname local modnorm = Util.normname(modname) -- if we found an exact match, then use that if modnorm == normname then mods = { modname } return false end end) mods = vim.tbl_values(mods) if #mods == 1 then fn = function() local opts = plugin.config if opts == true then opts = nil end require(mods[1]).setup(opts) end else return Util.error( "Lua module not found for config of " .. plugin.name .. ". Please use a `config()` function instead" ) end end Util.try(fn, "Failed to run `config` for " .. plugin.name) end ---@param path string function M.packadd(path) M.source_runtime(path, "plugin") M.ftdetect(path) if M.init_done then M.source_runtime(path, "after/plugin") end end ---@param path string function M.ftdetect(path) vim.cmd("augroup filetypedetect") M.source_runtime(path, "ftdetect") vim.cmd("augroup END") end ---@param ... string function M.source_runtime(...) local dir = table.concat({ ... }, "/") ---@type string[] local files = {} Util.walk(dir, function(path, name, t) local ext = name:sub(-3) name = name:sub(1, -5) if (t == "file" or t == "link") and (ext == "lua" or ext == "vim") and not M.disabled_rtp_plugins[name] then files[#files + 1] = path end end) -- plugin files are sourced alphabetically per directory table.sort(files) for _, path in ipairs(files) do M.source(path) end end function M.source(path) Util.track({ runtime = path }) Util.try(function() vim.cmd("silent source " .. path) end, "Failed to source `" .. path .. "`") Util.track() end function M.colorscheme(name) if vim.tbl_contains(vim.fn.getcompletion("", "color"), name) then return end for _, plugin in pairs(Config.plugins) do if not plugin._.loaded then for _, ext in ipairs({ "lua", "vim" }) do local path = plugin.dir .. "/colors/" .. name .. "." .. ext if vim.loop.fs_stat(path) then return M.load(plugin, { colorscheme = name }) end end end end end -- This loader is added as the very last one. -- This only hits when the modname is not cached and -- even then only once per plugin. So pretty much never. ---@param modname string function M.autoload(modname) -- check if a lazy plugin should be loaded for _, plugin in pairs(Config.plugins) do if not (plugin._.loaded or plugin.module == false) then for _, pattern in ipairs({ ".lua", "/init.lua" }) do local path = plugin.dir .. "/lua/" .. modname:gsub("%.", "/") .. pattern if vim.loop.fs_stat(path) then M.load(plugin, { require = modname }) -- check if the module has been loaded in the meantime if type(package.loaded[modname]) == "table" then local mod = package.loaded[modname] return function() return mod end end local chunk, err = loadfile(path) return chunk or error(err) end end end end return modname .. " not found in lazy plugins" end return M