local Config = require("lazy.core.config") local Runner = require("lazy.manage.runner") local Plugin = require("lazy.core.plugin") local M = {} ---@class ManagerOpts ---@field wait? boolean ---@field clear? boolean ---@field show? boolean ---@field mode? string ---@field plugins? LazyPlugin[] ---@field concurrency? number ---@param ropts RunnerOpts ---@param opts? ManagerOpts function M.run(ropts, opts) opts = opts or {} if opts.plugins then ropts.plugins = opts.plugins end ropts.concurrency = ropts.concurrency or opts.concurrency or Config.options.concurrency if opts.clear then M.clear() end if opts.show ~= false then vim.schedule(function() require("lazy.view").show(opts.mode) end) end ---@type Runner local runner = Runner.new(ropts) runner:start() vim.cmd([[do User LazyRender]]) -- wait for post-install to finish runner:wait(function() vim.cmd([[do User LazyRender]]) Plugin.update_state() end) if opts.wait then runner:wait() end return runner end ---@param opts? ManagerOpts function M.install(opts) return M.run({ pipeline = { "git.clone", "git.checkout", "plugin.docs", "wait", "plugin.build", }, plugins = function(plugin) return plugin.uri and not plugin._.installed end, }, opts) end ---@param opts? ManagerOpts|{lockfile?:boolean} function M.update(opts) opts = opts or {} return M.run({ pipeline = { "git.branch", "git.fetch", { "git.checkout", lockfile = opts.lockfile }, "plugin.docs", "wait", "plugin.build", { "git.log", updated = true }, }, plugins = function(plugin) return plugin.uri and plugin._.installed end, }, opts):wait(function() require("lazy.manage.lock").update() end) end ---@param opts? ManagerOpts function M.check(opts) opts = opts or {} return M.run({ pipeline = { "git.fetch", "wait", { "git.log", check = true }, }, plugins = function(plugin) return plugin.uri and plugin._.installed end, }, opts) end ---@param opts? ManagerOpts function M.log(opts) return M.run({ pipeline = { "git.log" }, plugins = function(plugin) return plugin.uri and plugin._.installed end, }, opts) end ---@param opts? ManagerOpts function M.clean(opts) return M.run({ pipeline = { "fs.clean" }, plugins = Config.to_clean, }, opts) end function M.clear() Plugin.load() for _, plugin in pairs(Config.plugins) do plugin._.has_updates = nil plugin._.updated = nil plugin._.cloned = nil plugin._.dirty = nil -- clear finished tasks if plugin._.tasks then ---@param task LazyTask plugin._.tasks = vim.tbl_filter(function(task) return task:is_running() end, plugin._.tasks) end end vim.cmd([[do User LazyRender]]) end return M