--- sidebar_position: 10 --- # 📰 What's new? ## 11.x - **New Website**: There's a whole new website with a fresh look and improved documentation. Check it out at [https://lazy.folke.io](https://lazy.folke.io/). The GitHub `README.md` has been updated to point to the new website. The `vimdoc` contains all the information that is available on the website. - **Spec Resolution & Merging**: the code that resolves a final spec from a plugin's fragments has been rewritten. This should be a tiny bit faster, but more importantly, fixes some issues and is easier to maintain. - [Packages](https://lazy.folke.io/packages) can now specify their dependencies and configuration using one of: - **Lazy**: `lazy.lua` file - **Rockspec**: [luarocks](https://luarocks.org/) `*-scm-1.rockspec` [file](https://github.com/luarocks/luarocks/wiki/Rockspec-format) - **Packspec**: `pkg.json` (experimental, since the [format](https://github.com/neovim/packspec/issues/41) is not quite there yet) Related _lazy.nvim_ options: ```lua { pkg = { enabled = true, cache = vim.fn.stdpath("state") .. "/lazy/pkg-cache.lua", -- the first package source that is found for a plugin will be used. sources = { "lazy", "rockspec", "packspec", }, }, rocks = { root = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/lazy-rocks", server = "https://nvim-neorocks.github.io/rocks-binaries/", }, } ``` - Installing [neorg](https://github.com/nvim-neorg/neorg) is now as simple as: ```lua { "nvim-neorg/neorg", opts = {} } ``` - Packages are not limited to just Neovim plugins. You can install any **luarocks** package, like: ```lua { "https://github.com/lubyk/yaml" } ``` Luarocks packages without a `/lua` directory are never lazy-loaded, since it's just a library. - `build` functions or `*.lua` build files (like `build.lua`) now run asynchronously. You can use `coroutine.yield(status_msg)` to show progress. Yielding will also schedule the next `resume` to run in the next tick, so you can do long-running tasks without blocking Neovim.