---@module 'luassert' --# selene:allow(incorrect_standard_library_use) local Task = require("lazy.manage.task") describe("task", function() local plugin = { name = "test", _ = {} } ---@type {done?:boolean, error:string?} local task_result = {} local opts = { ---@param task LazyTask on_done = function(task) task_result = { done = true, error = task.error } end, } before_each(function() task_result = {} end) it("simple function", function() local task = Task.new(plugin, "test", function() end, opts) assert(task:has_started()) assert(task:is_running()) task:wait() assert(not task:is_running()) assert(task_result.done) end) it("detects errors", function() local task = Task.new(plugin, "test", function() error("test") end, opts) assert(task:has_started()) assert(task:is_running()) task:wait() assert(not task:is_running()) assert(task_result.done) assert(task_result.error) assert(task.error and task.error:find("test")) end) it("async", function() local running = true ---@async local task = Task.new(plugin, "test", function() coroutine.yield() running = false end, opts) assert(task:has_started()) assert(task:is_running()) assert(running) assert(task:is_running()) task:wait() assert(not running) assert(not task:is_running()) assert(task_result.done) assert(not task.error) end) it("spawn errors", function() local task = Task.new(plugin, "spawn_errors", function(task) task:spawn("foobar") end, opts) assert(task:has_started()) assert(task:is_running()) task:wait() assert(not task:is_running()) assert(task_result.done) assert(task.error and task.error:find("Failed to spawn"), task.output) end) it("spawn", function() local task = Task.new(plugin, "test", function(task) task:spawn("echo", { args = { "foo" } }) end, opts) assert(task:has_started()) assert(task:is_running()) assert(task:has_started()) assert(task:is_running()) task:wait() assert.same(task.output, "foo\n") assert(task_result.done) assert(not task.error) end) it("spawn 2x", function() local task = Task.new(plugin, "test", function(task) task:spawn("echo", { args = { "foo" } }) task:spawn("echo", { args = { "bar" } }) end, opts) assert(task:has_started()) assert(task:is_running()) assert(task:is_running()) task:wait() assert(task.output == "foo\nbar\n" or task.output == "bar\nfoo\n", task.output) assert(task_result.done) assert(not task.error) end) end)