local Async = require("lazy.async") local Config = require("lazy.core.config") local Task = require("lazy.manage.task") ---@class RunnerOpts ---@field pipeline (string|{[1]:string, [string]:any})[] ---@field plugins? LazyPlugin[]|fun(plugin:LazyPlugin):any? ---@field concurrency? number ---@class RunnerTask ---@field task? LazyTask ---@field step number ---@alias PipelineStep {task:string, opts?:TaskOptions } ---@class Runner ---@field _plugins table ---@field _pipeline PipelineStep[] ---@field _on_done fun()[] ---@field _opts RunnerOpts ---@field _running? Async local Runner = {} ---@param opts RunnerOpts function Runner.new(opts) local self = setmetatable({}, { __index = Runner }) self._opts = opts or {} local plugins = self._opts.plugins ---@type LazyPlugin[] local pp = {} if type(plugins) == "function" then pp = vim.tbl_filter(plugins, Config.plugins) else pp = plugins or Config.plugins end self._plugins = {} for _, plugin in ipairs(pp) do self._plugins[plugin.name] = plugin end self._on_done = {} ---@param step string|(TaskOptions|{[1]:string}) self._pipeline = vim.tbl_map(function(step) return type(step) == "string" and { task = step } or { task = step[1], opts = step } end, self._opts.pipeline) return self end function Runner:plugin(name) return Config.plugins[name] or self._plugins[name] end function Runner:start() ---@async self._running = Async.run(function() self:_start() end, { on_done = function() for _, cb in ipairs(self._on_done) do cb() end end, }) end ---@async function Runner:_start() ---@type string[] local names = vim.tbl_keys(self._plugins) table.sort(names) ---@type table local state = {} local active = 1 local waiting = 0 ---@type number? local wait_step = nil ---@param resume? boolean local function continue(resume) active = 0 waiting = 0 wait_step = nil for _, name in ipairs(names) do state[name] = state[name] or { step = 0 } local s = state[name] local running = s.task and s.task:is_running() local step = self._pipeline[s.step] if s.task and s.task:has_errors() then local ignore = true elseif step and step.task == "wait" and not resume then waiting = waiting + 1 wait_step = s.step elseif not running then if not self._opts.concurrency or active < self._opts.concurrency then local plugin = self:plugin(name) if s.step == #self._pipeline then s.task = nil plugin._.working = false elseif s.step < #self._pipeline then active = active + 1 s.step = s.step + 1 step = self._pipeline[s.step] if step.task == "wait" then plugin._.working = false else s.task = self:queue(plugin, step) plugin._.working = not not s.task end end end else active = active + 1 end end end while active > 0 do continue() if active == 0 and waiting > 0 then local sync = self._pipeline[wait_step] if sync and sync.opts and type(sync.opts.sync) == "function" then sync.opts.sync(self) end continue(true) end coroutine.yield() end end ---@param plugin LazyPlugin ---@param step PipelineStep ---@return LazyTask? function Runner:queue(plugin, step) assert(self._running and self._running:running(), "Runner is not running") local def = vim.split(step.task, ".", { plain = true }) ---@type LazyTaskDef local task_def = require("lazy.manage.task." .. def[1])[def[2]] assert(task_def, "Task not found: " .. step.task) local opts = step.opts or {} if not (task_def.skip and task_def.skip(plugin, opts)) then return Task.new(plugin, def[2], task_def.run, opts) end end function Runner:is_running() return self._running and self._running:running() end -- Execute the callback async when done. -- When no callback is specified, this will wait sync ---@param cb? fun() function Runner:wait(cb) if not self:is_running() then if cb then cb() end return self end if cb then table.insert(self._on_done, cb) else -- sync wait while self:is_running() do vim.wait(10) end end return self end return Runner