local Config = require("lazy.core.config") local Util = require("lazy.util") ---@type table local M = {} M.clean = { skip = function(plugin) return plugin._.is_local end, run = function(self) local dir = self.plugin.dir:gsub("/+$", "") assert(dir:find(Config.options.root, 1, true) == 1, self.plugin.dir .. " should be under packpath!") local stat = vim.loop.fs_lstat(dir) assert(stat.type == "directory", self.plugin.dir .. " should be a directory!") Util.walk(dir, function(path, _, type) if type == "directory" then vim.loop.fs_rmdir(path) else vim.loop.fs_unlink(path) end end) vim.loop.fs_rmdir(dir) self.plugin._.installed = false end, } return M