local Config = require("lazy.core.config") local Util = require("lazy.core.util") local Handler = require("lazy.core.handler") ---@class LazyCorePlugin local M = {} M.loading = false ---@class LazySpecLoader ---@field plugins table ---@field disabled table ---@field modules string[] ---@field notifs {msg:string, level:number, file?:string}[] ---@field importing? string local Spec = {} M.Spec = Spec ---@param spec? LazySpec function Spec.new(spec) local self = setmetatable({}, { __index = Spec }) self.plugins = {} self.disabled = {} self.modules = {} self.notifs = {} if spec then self:parse(spec) end return self end function Spec:parse(spec) self:normalize(spec) -- calculate handlers for _, plugin in pairs(self.plugins) do for _, handler in pairs(Handler.types) do if plugin[handler] then plugin[handler] = M.values(plugin, handler, true) end end end self:fix_disabled() end -- PERF: optimized code to get package name without using lua patterns function Spec.get_name(pkg) local name = pkg:sub(-4) == ".git" and pkg:sub(1, -5) or pkg local slash = name:reverse():find("/", 1, true) --[[@as number?]] return slash and name:sub(#name - slash + 2) or pkg:gsub("%W+", "_") end ---@param plugin LazyPlugin ---@param results? string[] ---@param is_dep? boolean function Spec:add(plugin, results, is_dep) -- check if we already processed this spec. Can happen when a user uses the same instance of a spec in multiple specs -- see https://github.com/folke/lazy.nvim/issues/45 if rawget(plugin, "_") then if results then table.insert(results, plugin.name) end return plugin end local is_ref = plugin[1] and not plugin[1]:find("/", 1, true) if not plugin.url and not is_ref and plugin[1] then local prefix = plugin[1]:sub(1, 4) if prefix == "http" or prefix == "git@" then plugin.url = plugin[1] else plugin.url = Config.options.git.url_format:format(plugin[1]) end end if plugin.dir then plugin.dir = Util.norm(plugin.dir) -- local plugin plugin.name = plugin.name or Spec.get_name(plugin.dir) elseif plugin.url then plugin.name = plugin.name or Spec.get_name(plugin.url) -- check for dev plugins if plugin.dev == nil then for _, pattern in ipairs(Config.options.dev.patterns) do if plugin.url:find(pattern, 1, true) then plugin.dev = true break end end end -- dev plugins if plugin.dev and (not Config.options.dev.fallback or vim.fn.isdirectory(Config.options.dev.path .. "/" .. plugin.name) == 1) then plugin.dir = Config.options.dev.path .. "/" .. plugin.name else -- remote plugin plugin.dir = Config.options.root .. "/" .. plugin.name end elseif is_ref then plugin.name = plugin[1] else self:error("Invalid plugin spec " .. vim.inspect(plugin)) return end if type(plugin.config) == "table" then self:warn( "{" .. plugin.name .. "}: setting a table to `Plugin.config` is deprecated. Please use `Plugin.opts` instead" ) ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: assign-type-mismatch plugin.opts = plugin.config plugin.config = nil end plugin._ = {} plugin._.dep = is_dep plugin.dependencies = plugin.dependencies and self:normalize(plugin.dependencies, {}, true) or nil if self.plugins[plugin.name] then plugin = self:merge(self.plugins[plugin.name], plugin) elseif is_ref and not plugin.url then self:error("Plugin spec for **" .. plugin.name .. "** not found.\n```lua\n" .. vim.inspect(plugin) .. "\n```") return end self.plugins[plugin.name] = plugin if results then table.insert(results, plugin.name) end return plugin end function Spec:error(msg) self:log(msg, vim.log.levels.ERROR) end function Spec:warn(msg) self:log(msg, vim.log.levels.WARN) end function Spec:fix_disabled() ---@param plugin LazyPlugin local function all_optional(plugin) return (not plugin) or (rawget(plugin, "optional") and all_optional(plugin._.super)) end -- handle optional plugins for _, plugin in pairs(self.plugins) do if plugin.optional and all_optional(plugin) then self.plugins[plugin.name] = nil end end ---@type table plugin to parent plugin local dep_of = {} ---@type string[] dependencies of disabled plugins local disabled_deps = {} for _, plugin in pairs(self.plugins) do local enabled = not (plugin.enabled == false or (type(plugin.enabled) == "function" and not plugin.enabled())) if enabled then for _, dep in ipairs(plugin.dependencies or {}) do dep_of[dep] = dep_of[dep] or {} table.insert(dep_of[dep], plugin.name) end else plugin._.kind = "disabled" self.plugins[plugin.name] = nil self.disabled[plugin.name] = plugin if plugin.dependencies then vim.list_extend(disabled_deps, plugin.dependencies) end end end -- check deps of disabled plugins for _, dep in ipairs(disabled_deps) do -- only check if the plugin is still enabled and it is a dep if self.plugins[dep] and self.plugins[dep]._.dep then -- check if the dep is still used by another plugin local keep = false for _, parent in ipairs(dep_of[dep] or {}) do if self.plugins[parent] then keep = true break end end -- disable the dep when no longer needed if not keep then local plugin = self.plugins[dep] plugin._.kind = "disabled" self.plugins[plugin.name] = nil self.disabled[plugin.name] = plugin end end end end ---@param msg string ---@param level number function Spec:log(msg, level) self.notifs[#self.notifs + 1] = { msg = msg, level = level, file = self.importing } end function Spec:report(level) level = level or vim.log.levels.ERROR for _, notif in ipairs(self.notifs) do if notif.level >= level then Util.notify(notif.msg, { level = notif.level }) end end end ---@param spec LazySpec|LazySpecImport ---@param results? string[] ---@param is_dep? boolean function Spec:normalize(spec, results, is_dep) if type(spec) == "string" then if is_dep and not spec:find("/", 1, true) then -- spec is a plugin name if results then table.insert(results, spec) end else self:add({ spec }, results, is_dep) end elseif #spec > 1 or Util.is_list(spec) then ---@cast spec LazySpec[] for _, s in ipairs(spec) do self:normalize(s, results, is_dep) end elseif spec[1] or spec.dir or spec.url then ---@cast spec LazyPlugin local plugin = self:add(spec, results, is_dep) ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: cast-type-mismatch ---@cast plugin LazySpecImport if plugin and plugin.import then self:import(plugin) end elseif spec.import then ---@cast spec LazySpecImport self:import(spec) else self:error("Invalid plugin spec " .. vim.inspect(spec)) end return results end ---@param spec LazySpecImport function Spec:import(spec) if spec.import == "lazy" then return self:error("You can't name your plugins module `lazy`.") end if vim.tbl_contains(self.modules, spec.import) then return end if spec.enabled == false or (type(spec.enabled) == "function" and not spec.enabled()) then return end self.modules[#self.modules + 1] = spec.import local imported = 0 ---@type string[] local modnames = {} Util.lsmod(spec.import, function(modname) modnames[#modnames + 1] = modname end) table.sort(modnames) for _, modname in ipairs(modnames) do imported = imported + 1 Util.track({ import = modname }) self.importing = modname -- unload the module so we get a clean slate ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: no-unknown package.loaded[modname] = nil Util.try(function() local mod = require(modname) if type(mod) ~= "table" then self.importing = nil return self:error( "Invalid spec module: `" .. modname .. "`\nExpected a `table` of specs, but a `" .. type(mod) .. "` was returned instead" ) end self:normalize(mod) self.importing = nil Util.track() end, { msg = "Failed to load `" .. modname .. "`", on_error = function(msg) self:error(msg) self.importing = nil Util.track() end, }) end if imported == 0 then self:error("No specs found for module " .. spec.import) end end ---@param old LazyPlugin ---@param new LazyPlugin ---@return LazyPlugin function Spec:merge(old, new) new._.dep = old._.dep and new._.dep if new.url and old.url and new.url ~= old.url then self:error("Two plugins with the same name and different url:\n" .. vim.inspect({ old = old, new = new })) end if new.dependencies and old.dependencies then Util.extend(new.dependencies, old.dependencies) end new._.super = old setmetatable(new, { __index = old }) return new end function M.update_state() ---@type string[] local cloning = {} ---@type table local installed = {} Util.ls(Config.options.root, function(_, name, type) if type == "directory" and name ~= "readme" then installed[name] = type elseif type == "file" and name:sub(-8) == ".cloning" then name = name:sub(1, -9) cloning[#cloning + 1] = name end end) for _, failed in ipairs(cloning) do installed[failed] = nil end for _, plugin in pairs(Config.plugins) do plugin._ = plugin._ or {} if plugin.lazy == nil then local lazy = plugin._.dep or Config.options.defaults.lazy or plugin.event or plugin.keys or plugin.ft or plugin.cmd plugin.lazy = lazy and true or false end if plugin.dir:find(Config.options.root, 1, true) == 1 then plugin._.installed = installed[plugin.name] ~= nil installed[plugin.name] = nil else plugin._.is_local = true plugin._.installed = true -- local plugins are managed by the user end end Config.to_clean = {} for pack, dir_type in pairs(installed) do table.insert(Config.to_clean, { name = pack, dir = Config.options.root .. "/" .. pack, _ = { kind = "clean", installed = true, is_symlink = dir_type == "link", is_local = dir_type == "link", }, }) end end function M.load() M.loading = true -- load specs Util.track("spec") Config.spec = Spec.new() Config.spec:parse({ vim.deepcopy(Config.options.spec), { "folke/lazy.nvim" } }) -- override some lazy props local lazy = Config.spec.plugins["lazy.nvim"] if lazy then lazy.lazy = true lazy.dir = Config.me lazy.config = function() error("lazy config should not be called") end lazy._.loaded = {} end local existing = Config.plugins Config.plugins = Config.spec.plugins -- copy state. This wont do anything during startup for name, plugin in pairs(existing) do if Config.plugins[name] then local dep = Config.plugins[name]._.dep local super = Config.plugins[name]._.super Config.plugins[name]._ = plugin._ Config.plugins[name]._.dep = dep Config.plugins[name]._.super = super end end Util.track() Util.track("state") M.update_state() Util.track() M.loading = false end -- Finds the plugin that has this path ---@param path string function M.find(path) if not Config.spec then return end local lua = path:find("/lua/", 1, true) if lua then local name = path:sub(1, lua - 1) local slash = name:reverse():find("/", 1, true) if slash then name = name:sub(#name - slash + 2) return name and Config.plugins[name] or Config.spec.plugins[name] or nil end end end ---@param plugin LazyPlugin function M.has_errors(plugin) for _, task in ipairs(plugin._.tasks or {}) do if task.error then return true end end return false end -- Merges super values or runs the values function to override values or return new ones -- Used for opts, cmd, event, ft and keys ---@param plugin LazyPlugin ---@param prop string ---@param is_list? boolean function M.values(plugin, prop, is_list) ---@type table local ret = plugin._.super and M.values(plugin._.super, prop, is_list) or {} local values = rawget(plugin, prop) if not values then return ret elseif type(values) == "function" then ret = values(plugin, ret) or ret return type(ret) == "table" and ret or { ret } end values = type(values) == "table" and values or { values } return is_list and Util.extend(ret, values) or Util.merge(ret, values) end return M