local View = require("lazy.view") local Manage = require("lazy.manage") local Util = require("lazy.util") local Config = require("lazy.core.config") local ViewConfig = require("lazy.view.config") local M = {} ---@param cmd string ---@param opts? ManagerOpts function M.cmd(cmd, opts) cmd = cmd == "" and "home" or cmd local command = M.commands[cmd] --[[@as fun(opts)]] if command == nil then Util.error("Invalid lazy command '" .. cmd .. "'") elseif ViewConfig.commands[cmd] and ViewConfig.commands[cmd].plugins_required and not (opts and vim.tbl_count(opts.plugins or {}) > 0) then return Util.error("`Lazy " .. cmd .. "` requires at least one plugin") else command(opts) end end ---@class LazyCommands M.commands = { clear = function() Manage.clear() View.show() end, health = function() vim.cmd.checkhealth("lazy") end, home = function() View.show("home") end, show = function() View.show("home") end, help = function() View.show("help") end, debug = function() View.show("debug") end, profile = function() View.show("profile") end, ---@param opts ManagerOpts load = function(opts) -- when a command is executed with a bang, wait will be set require("lazy.core.loader").load(opts.plugins, { cmd = "Lazy load" }, { force = opts.wait }) end, log = Manage.log, build = Manage.build, clean = Manage.clean, install = Manage.install, sync = Manage.sync, update = Manage.update, check = Manage.check, restore = Manage.restore, } function M.complete(cmd, prefix) if not (ViewConfig.commands[cmd] or {}).plugins then return end ---@type string[] local plugins = {} for name, plugin in pairs(Config.plugins) do if cmd ~= "load" or not plugin._.loaded then plugins[#plugins + 1] = name end end table.sort(plugins) ---@param key string return vim.tbl_filter(function(key) return key:find(prefix, 1, true) == 1 end, plugins) end function M.setup() vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("Lazy", function(cmd) ---@type ManagerOpts local opts = { wait = cmd.bang == true } local prefix, args = M.parse(cmd.args) if #args > 0 then ---@param plugin string opts.plugins = vim.tbl_map(function(plugin) return Config.plugins[plugin] end, args) end M.cmd(prefix, opts) end, { bang = true, nargs = "?", desc = "Lazy", complete = function(_, line) local prefix, args = M.parse(line) if #args > 0 then return M.complete(prefix, args[#args]) end ---@param key string return vim.tbl_filter(function(key) return key:find(prefix) == 1 end, vim.tbl_keys(M.commands)) end, }) end ---@return string, string[] function M.parse(args) local parts = vim.split(vim.trim(args), "%s+") if parts[1]:find("Lazy") then table.remove(parts, 1) end if args:sub(-1) == " " then parts[#parts + 1] = "" end return table.remove(parts, 1) or "", parts end return M