--# selene:allow(incorrect_standard_library_use) local Community = require("lazy.community") local Config = require("lazy.core.config") local Health = require("lazy.health") local Util = require("lazy.util") ---@class RockSpec ---@field rockspec_format string ---@field package string ---@field version string ---@field dependencies string[] ---@field build? {type?: string, modules?: any[]} ---@field source? {url?: string} ---@class RockManifest ---@field repository table> local M = {} M.skip = { "lua" } M.rewrites = { ["plenary.nvim"] = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", lazy = true }, } M.python = { "python3", "python" } ---@class HereRocks M.hererocks = {} ---@param task LazyTask function M.hererocks.build(task) local root = Config.options.rocks.root .. "/hererocks" ---@param p string local python = vim.tbl_filter(function(p) return vim.fn.executable(p) == 1 end, M.python)[1] task:spawn(python, { args = { "hererocks.py", "--verbose", "-l", "5.1", "-r", "latest", root, }, cwd = task.plugin.dir, }) end ---@param bin string function M.hererocks.bin(bin) local hererocks = Config.options.rocks.root .. "/hererocks/bin" return Util.norm(hererocks .. "/" .. bin) end -- check if hererocks is building ---@return boolean? function M.hererocks.building() return vim.tbl_get(Config.plugins.hererocks or {}, "_", "build") end ---@param opts? LazyHealth function M.check(opts) opts = vim.tbl_extend("force", { error = Util.error, warn = Util.warn, ok = function() end, }, opts or {}) local ok = false if Config.options.rocks.hererocks then if M.hererocks.building() then ok = true else ok = Health.have(M.python, opts) ok = Health.have(M.hererocks.bin("luarocks")) and ok ok = Health.have( M.hererocks.bin("lua"), vim.tbl_extend("force", opts, { version = "-v", version_pattern = "5.1", }) ) and ok end else ok = Health.have("luarocks", opts) ok = ( Health.have( { "lua5.1", "lua" }, vim.tbl_extend("force", opts, { version = "-v", version_pattern = "5.1", }) ) ) and ok end return ok end ---@async ---@param task LazyTask function M.build(task) if not M.check({ error = function(msg) task:error(msg:gsub("[{}]", "`")) end, warn = function(msg) task:warn(msg) end, ok = function(msg) end, }) then task:log({ "", "This plugin requires `luarocks`. Try one of the following:", " - fix your `luarocks` installation", Config.options.rocks.hererocks and " - disable *hererocks* with `opts.rocks.hererocks = false`" or " - enable `hererocks` with `opts.rocks.hererocks = true`", " - disable `luarocks` support completely with `opts.rocks.enabled = false`", }) return end if task.plugin.name == "hererocks" then return M.hererocks.build(task) end local env = {} local luarocks = "luarocks" if Config.options.rocks.hererocks then -- hererocks is still building, so skip for now -- a new build will happen in the next round if M.hererocks.building() then return end local sep = Util.is_win and ";" or ":" local hererocks = Config.options.rocks.root .. "/hererocks/bin" if Util.is_win then hererocks = hererocks:gsub("/", "\\") end local path = vim.split(vim.env.PATH, sep) table.insert(path, 1, hererocks) env = { PATH = table.concat(path, sep), } if Util.is_win then luarocks = luarocks .. ".bat" end end local pkg = task.plugin._.pkg assert(pkg, "missing rockspec pkg for " .. task.plugin.name .. "\nThis shouldn't happen, please report.") local rockspec = M.rockspec(task.plugin.dir .. "/" .. pkg.file) or {} assert( rockspec.package, "missing rockspec package name for " .. task.plugin.name .. "\nThis shouldn't happen, please report." ) local root = Config.options.rocks.root .. "/" .. task.plugin.name local ok = task:spawn(luarocks, { args = { "--tree", root, "--server", Config.options.rocks.server, "--dev", "--lua-version", "5.1", "install", -- use install so that we can make use of pre-built rocks "--force-fast", "--deps-mode", "one", rockspec.package, }, cwd = task.plugin.dir, env = env, }) if ok then return end task:warn("Failed installing " .. rockspec.package .. " with `luarocks`.\nTrying to build from source.") -- install failed, so try building from source task:set_level() -- reset level task:spawn(luarocks, { args = { "--tree", root, "--dev", "--lua-version", "5.1", "make", "--force-fast", "--deps-mode", "one", }, cwd = task.plugin.dir, env = env, }) end ---@param rockspec RockSpec function M.is_simple_build(rockspec) local type = vim.tbl_get(rockspec, "build", "type") return type == nil or type == "none" or (type == "builtin" and not rockspec.build.modules) end ---@param file string ---@return table? function M.parse(file) local ret = {} return pcall(function() loadfile(file, "t", ret)() end) and ret or nil end ---@param plugin LazyPlugin function M.deps(plugin) local root = Config.options.rocks.root .. "/" .. plugin.name ---@type RockManifest? local manifest = M.parse(root .. "/lib/luarocks/rocks-5.1/manifest") return manifest and vim.tbl_keys(manifest.repository or {}) end ---@param file string ---@return RockSpec? function M.rockspec(file) return M.parse(file) end ---@param plugin LazyPlugin function M.find_rockspec(plugin) local rockspec_file ---@type string? Util.ls(plugin.dir, function(path, name, t) if t == "file" then for _, suffix in ipairs({ "scm", "git", "dev" }) do suffix = suffix .. "-1.rockspec" if name:sub(-#suffix) == suffix then rockspec_file = path return false end end end end) return rockspec_file end ---@param plugin LazyPlugin ---@return LazyPkgSpec? function M.get(plugin) if Community.get_spec(plugin.name) then return { file = "community", source = "lazy", spec = Community.get_spec(plugin.name), } end local rockspec_file = M.find_rockspec(plugin) local rockspec = rockspec_file and M.rockspec(rockspec_file) if not rockspec then return end local has_lua = not not vim.uv.fs_stat(plugin.dir .. "/lua") ---@type LazyPluginSpec local specs = {} ---@param dep string local rocks = vim.tbl_filter(function(dep) local name = dep:gsub("%s.*", "") local url = Community.get_url(name) local spec = Community.get_spec(name) if spec then -- community spec table.insert(specs, spec) return false elseif url then -- Neovim plugin rock table.insert(specs, { url }) return false end return not vim.tbl_contains(M.skip, name) end, rockspec.dependencies or {}) local use = -- package without a /lua directory not has_lua -- has dependencies that are not skipped, -- not in community specs, -- and don't have a rockspec mapping or #rocks > 0 -- has a complex build process or not M.is_simple_build(rockspec) if not use then -- community specs only return #specs > 0 and { file = vim.fn.fnamemodify(rockspec_file, ":t"), spec = { plugin.name, specs = specs, build = false, }, } or nil end local lazy = nil if not has_lua then lazy = false end return { file = vim.fn.fnamemodify(rockspec_file, ":t"), spec = { plugin.name, build = "rockspec", lazy = lazy, }, } end return M