local Config = require("lazy.core.config") local M = {} ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: no-unknown local uv = vim.loop ---@class ProcessOpts ---@field args string[] ---@field cwd? string ---@field on_line? fun(string) ---@field on_exit? fun(ok:boolean, output:string) ---@field timeout? number ---@param opts? ProcessOpts function M.spawn(cmd, opts) opts = opts or {} opts.timeout = opts.timeout or (Config.options.git and Config.options.git.timeout * 1000) local env = { "GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0", "GIT_SSH_COMMAND=ssh -oBatchMode=yes", } for key, value in pairs(uv.os_environ() --[[@as string[] ]]) do table.insert(env, key .. "=" .. value) end local stdout = uv.new_pipe() local stderr = uv.new_pipe() local output = "" ---@type vim.loop.Process local handle = nil local timeout local killed = false if opts.timeout then timeout = uv.new_timer() timeout:start(opts.timeout, 0, function() if handle and not handle:is_closing() then killed = true uv.process_kill(handle, "sigint") end end) end handle = uv.spawn(cmd, { stdio = { nil, stdout, stderr }, args = opts.args, cwd = opts.cwd, env = env, }, function(exit_code, signal) if timeout then timeout:stop() timeout:close() end handle:close() stdout:close() stderr:close() local check = uv.new_check() check:start(function() if not stdout:is_closing() or not stderr:is_closing() then return end check:stop() if opts.on_exit then output = output:gsub("[^\r\n]+\r", "") if killed then output = output .. "\n" .. "Process was killed because it reached the timeout" end vim.schedule(function() opts.on_exit(exit_code == 0 and signal == 0, output) end) end end) end) if not handle then if opts.on_exit then opts.on_exit(false, "Failed to spawn process " .. cmd .. " " .. vim.inspect(opts)) end return end ---@param data? string local function on_output(err, data) assert(not err, err) if data then output = output .. data:gsub("\r\n", "\n") local lines = vim.split(vim.trim(output:gsub("\r$", "")):gsub("[^\n\r]+\r", ""), "\n") if opts.on_line then vim.schedule(function() opts.on_line(lines[#lines]) end) end end end uv.read_start(stdout, on_output) uv.read_start(stderr, on_output) return handle end return M