local Config = require("lazy.core.config") local ViewConfig = require("lazy.view.config") ---@class LazyFloatOptions ---@field buf? number ---@field file? string ---@field margin? {top?:number, right?:number, bottom?:number, left?:number} ---@field size? {width:number, height:number} ---@field zindex? number ---@field style? "" | "minimal" ---@field border? "none" | "single" | "double" | "rounded" | "solid" | "shadow" ---@field title? string ---@field title_pos? "center" | "left" | "right" ---@field persistent? boolean ---@field ft? string ---@field noautocmd? boolean ---@class LazyFloat ---@field buf number ---@field win number ---@field opts LazyFloatOptions ---@field win_opts LazyWinOpts ---@overload fun(opts?:LazyFloatOptions):LazyFloat local M = {} setmetatable(M, { __call = function(_, ...) return M.new(...) end, }) ---@param opts? LazyFloatOptions function M.new(opts) local self = setmetatable({}, { __index = M }) return self:init(opts) end ---@param opts? LazyFloatOptions function M:init(opts) self.opts = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", { size = Config.options.ui.size, style = "minimal", border = Config.options.ui.border or "none", zindex = 50, }, opts or {}) ---@class LazyWinOpts ---@field width number ---@field height number ---@field row number ---@field col number self.win_opts = { relative = "editor", style = self.opts.style ~= "" and self.opts.style or nil, border = self.opts.border, zindex = self.opts.zindex, noautocmd = self.opts.noautocmd, title = self.opts.title, title_pos = self.opts.title and self.opts.title_pos or nil, } self:mount() self:on_key(ViewConfig.keys.close, self.close) self:on({ "BufDelete", "BufHidden" }, self.close, { once = true }) return self end function M:layout() local function size(max, value) return value > 1 and math.min(value, max) or math.floor(max * value) end self.win_opts.width = size(vim.o.columns, self.opts.size.width) self.win_opts.height = size(vim.o.lines, self.opts.size.height) self.win_opts.row = math.floor((vim.o.lines - self.win_opts.height) / 2) self.win_opts.col = math.floor((vim.o.columns - self.win_opts.width) / 2) if self.opts.border ~= "none" then self.win_opts.row = self.win_opts.row - 1 self.win_opts.col = self.win_opts.col - 1 end if self.opts.margin then if self.opts.margin.top then self.win_opts.height = self.win_opts.height - self.opts.margin.top self.win_opts.row = self.win_opts.row + self.opts.margin.top end if self.opts.margin.right then self.win_opts.width = self.win_opts.width - self.opts.margin.right end if self.opts.margin.bottom then self.win_opts.height = self.win_opts.height - self.opts.margin.bottom end if self.opts.margin.left then self.win_opts.width = self.win_opts.width - self.opts.margin.left self.win_opts.col = self.win_opts.col + self.opts.margin.left end end end function M:mount() if self:buf_valid() then -- keep existing buffer self.buf = self.buf elseif self.opts.file then self.buf = vim.fn.bufadd(self.opts.file) vim.fn.bufload(self.buf) vim.bo[self.buf].modifiable = false elseif self.opts.buf then self.buf = self.opts.buf else self.buf = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) end self:layout() self.win = vim.api.nvim_open_win(self.buf, true, self.win_opts) self:focus() if vim.bo[self.buf].buftype == "" then vim.bo[self.buf].buftype = "nofile" end if vim.bo[self.buf].filetype == "" then vim.bo[self.buf].filetype = self.opts.ft or "lazy" end local function opts() vim.bo[self.buf].bufhidden = self.opts.persistent and "hide" or "wipe" vim.wo[self.win].conceallevel = 3 vim.wo[self.win].foldenable = false vim.wo[self.win].spell = false vim.wo[self.win].wrap = true vim.wo[self.win].winhighlight = "Normal:LazyNormal" vim.wo[self.win].colorcolumn = "" end opts() vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("VimResized", { callback = function() if not (self.win and vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(self.win)) then return true end self:layout() local config = {} for _, key in ipairs({ "relative", "width", "height", "col", "row" }) do ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: no-unknown config[key] = self.win_opts[key] end config.style = self.opts.style ~= "" and self.opts.style or nil vim.api.nvim_win_set_config(self.win, config) opts() vim.api.nvim_exec_autocmds("User", { pattern = "LazyFloatResized", modeline = false }) end, }) end ---@param events string|string[] ---@param fn fun(self?):boolean? ---@param opts? table function M:on(events, fn, opts) if type(events) == "string" then events = { events } end for _, e in ipairs(events) do local event, pattern = e:match("(%w+) (%w+)") event = event or e vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd( event, vim.tbl_extend("force", { pattern = pattern, buffer = (not pattern) and self.buf or nil, callback = function() return fn(self) end, }, opts or {}) ) end end ---@param key string ---@param fn fun(self?) ---@param desc? string function M:on_key(key, fn, desc) vim.keymap.set("n", key, function() fn(self) end, { nowait = true, buffer = self.buf, desc = desc, }) end ---@param opts? {wipe:boolean} function M:close(opts) local buf = self.buf local win = self.win local wipe = opts and opts.wipe if wipe == nil then wipe = not self.opts.persistent end self.win = nil if wipe then self.buf = nil end vim.schedule(function() if win and vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(win) then vim.api.nvim_win_close(win, true) end if wipe and buf and vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(buf) then vim.diagnostic.reset(Config.ns, buf) vim.api.nvim_buf_delete(buf, { force = true }) end end) end function M:win_valid() return self.win and vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(self.win) end function M:buf_valid() return self.buf and vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(self.buf) end function M:hide() if self:win_valid() then self:close({ wipe = false }) end end function M:toggle() if self:win_valid() then self:hide() return false else self:show() return true end end function M:show() if self:win_valid() then self:focus() elseif self:buf_valid() then self:mount() else error("LazyFloat: buffer closed") end end function M:focus() vim.api.nvim_set_current_win(self.win) -- it seems that setting the current win doesn't work before VimEnter, -- so do that then if vim.v.vim_did_enter ~= 1 then vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("VimEnter", { once = true, callback = function() if self.win and vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(self.win) then pcall(vim.api.nvim_set_current_win, self.win) end return true end, }) end end return M