local Util = require("lazy.util") local Loader = require("lazy.core.loader") ---@type table local M = {} M.build = { skip = function(plugin) return not (plugin._.dirty and plugin.build) end, run = function(self) Loader.load(self.plugin, { task = "build" }) -- when installing during startup, add the package -- to make sure all runtime files are loaded Loader.packadd(self.plugin, true) local build = self.plugin.build if build then if type(build) == "string" and build:sub(1, 1) == ":" then local cmd = vim.api.nvim_parse_cmd(build:sub(2), {}) self.output = vim.api.nvim_cmd(cmd, { output = true }) elseif type(build) == "function" then build() else local args = vim.split(build, "%s+") return self:spawn(table.remove(args, 1), { args = args, cwd = self.plugin.dir, }) end end end, } M.docs = { skip = function(plugin) return not plugin._.dirty end, run = function(self) local docs = self.plugin.dir .. "/doc/" if Util.file_exists(docs) then self.output = vim.api.nvim_cmd({ cmd = "helptags", args = { docs } }, { output = true }) end end, } return M