local Config = require("lazy.core.config") local Util = require("lazy.util") local Sections = require("lazy.view.sections") local Handler = require("lazy.core.handler") local Git = require("lazy.manage.git") local Plugin = require("lazy.core.plugin") local Text = require("lazy.view.text") ---@alias LazyDiagnostic {row: number, severity: number, message:string} ---@class Render:Text ---@field buf buffer ---@field win window ---@field plugins LazyPlugin[] ---@field progress {total:number, done:number} ---@field _diagnostics LazyDiagnostic[] ---@field plugin_range table ---@field _details? string local M = setmetatable({}, { __index = Text }) function M.new(buf, win, padding) local self = setmetatable({}, { __index = M }) self.buf = buf self.win = win self.padding = padding or 0 return self end function M:update() self._lines = {} self._diagnostics = {} self.plugin_range = {} self.plugins = vim.tbl_values(Config.plugins) vim.list_extend(self.plugins, vim.tbl_values(Config.to_clean)) table.sort(self.plugins, function(a, b) return a.name < b.name end) self.progress = { total = 0, done = 0, } for _, plugin in ipairs(self.plugins) do if plugin._.tasks then for _, task in ipairs(plugin._.tasks) do self.progress.total = self.progress.total + 1 if not task:is_running() then self.progress.done = self.progress.done + 1 end end end end local mode = self:title() if mode == "help" then self:help() elseif mode == "profile" then self:profile() elseif mode == "debug" then self:debug() else for _, section in ipairs(Sections) do self:section(section) end end self:trim() self:render(self.buf) vim.diagnostic.set( Config.ns, self.buf, ---@param diag LazyDiagnostic vim.tbl_map(function(diag) diag.col = 0 diag.lnum = diag.row - 1 return diag end, self._diagnostics), { signs = false } ) end ---@param row number ---@return LazyPlugin? function M:get_plugin(row) for name, range in pairs(self.plugin_range) do if row >= range.from and row <= range.to then return Config.plugins[name] end end end function M:title() self:nl():nl() local View = require("lazy.view") for _, mode in ipairs(View.modes) do if not mode.hide and not mode.plugin then local title = " " .. mode.name:sub(1, 1):upper() .. mode.name:sub(2) .. " (" .. mode.key .. ") " if mode.name == "home" then if View.mode == "home" then title = " lazy.nvim 鈴 " else title = " lazy.nvim (H) " end end if View.mode == mode.name then if mode.name == "home" then self:append(title, "LazyH1") else self:append(title, "LazyButtonActive") self:highlight({ ["%(.%)"] = "LazySpecial" }) end else self:append(title, "LazyButton") self:highlight({ ["%(.%)"] = "LazySpecial" }) end self:append(" ") end end self:nl() if self.progress.done < self.progress.total then self:progressbar() end self:nl() if View.mode ~= "help" and View.mode ~= "profile" and View.mode ~= "debug" then if self.progress.done < self.progress.total then self:append("Tasks: ", "LazyH2") self:append(self.progress.done .. "/" .. self.progress.total, "LazyMuted") else self:append("Total: ", "LazyH2") self:append(#self.plugins .. " plugins", "LazyMuted") end self:nl():nl() end return View.mode end function M:help() local View = require("lazy.view") self:append("Help", "LazyH2"):nl():nl() self:append("You can press "):append("", "LazySpecial"):append(" on a plugin to show its details."):nl() self:append("Most properties can be hovered with ") self:append("", "LazySpecial") self:append(" to open links, help files, readmes and git commits."):nl():nl() self:append("Keyboard Shortcuts", "LazyH2"):nl() for _, mode in ipairs(View.modes) do local title = mode.name:sub(1, 1):upper() .. mode.name:sub(2) self:append("- ", "LazySpecial", { indent = 2 }) self:append(title, "Title") if mode.key then self:append(" <" .. mode.key .. ">", "LazyKey") end self:append(" " .. (mode.desc or "")):nl() end end function M:progressbar() local width = vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(self.win) - 2 * self.padding local done = math.floor((self.progress.done / self.progress.total) * width + 0.5) if self.progress.done == self.progress.total then done = 0 end self:append("", { virt_text_win_col = self.padding, virt_text = { { string.rep("─", done), "LazyProgressDone" } }, }) self:append("", { virt_text_win_col = done + self.padding, virt_text = { { string.rep("─", width - done), "LazyProgressTodo" } }, }) end ---@param section LazySection function M:section(section) ---@type LazyPlugin[] local section_plugins = {} ---@param plugin LazyPlugin self.plugins = vim.tbl_filter(function(plugin) if section.filter(plugin) then table.insert(section_plugins, plugin) return false end return true end, self.plugins) local count = #section_plugins if count > 0 then self:append(section.title, "LazyH2"):append(" (" .. count .. ")", "LazyMuted"):nl() for _, plugin in ipairs(section_plugins) do self:plugin(plugin) end self:nl() end end ---@param diag LazyDiagnostic function M:diagnostic(diag) diag.row = diag.row or self:row() diag.severity = diag.severity or vim.diagnostic.severity.INFO table.insert(self._diagnostics, diag) end ---@param reason? {[string]:string, time:number} ---@param opts? {time_right?:boolean} function M:reason(reason, opts) opts = opts or {} if not reason then return end reason = vim.deepcopy(reason) ---@type string? local source = reason.source if source then source = Util.norm(source) local plugin = Plugin.find(source) if plugin then reason.plugin = plugin.name reason.source = nil else local config = Util.norm(vim.fn.stdpath("config")) if source == config .. "/init.lua" then reason.source = "init.lua" else config = config .. "/lua" if source:find(config, 1, true) == 1 then reason.source = source:sub(#config + 2):gsub("/", "."):gsub("%.lua$", "") end end end end if reason.runtime then reason.runtime = Util.norm(reason.runtime) reason.runtime = reason.runtime:gsub(".*/([^/]+/plugin/.*)", "%1") reason.runtime = reason.runtime:gsub(".*/([^/]+/after/.*)", "%1") reason.runtime = reason.runtime:gsub(".*/([^/]+/ftdetect/.*)", "%1") end local time = reason.time and (" " .. math.floor(reason.time / 1e6 * 100) / 100 .. "ms") if time and not opts.time_right then self:append(time, "Bold") self:append(" ") end -- self:append(" (", "Conceal") local first = true local keys = vim.tbl_keys(reason) table.sort(keys) if vim.tbl_contains(keys, "plugin") then keys = vim.tbl_filter(function(key) return key ~= "plugin" end, keys) table.insert(keys, "plugin") end for _, key in ipairs(keys) do local value = reason[key] if type(key) == "number" then elseif key == "require" then elseif key ~= "time" then if first then first = false else self:append(" ") end if key == "event" then value = value:match("User (.*)") or value end local hl = "LazyHandler" .. key:sub(1, 1):upper() .. key:sub(2) local icon = Config.options.ui.icons[key] if icon then self:append(icon .. " ", hl) self:append(value, hl) else self:append(key .. " ", "@field") self:append(value, hl) end end end if time and opts.time_right then self:append(time, "Bold") end -- self:append(")", "Conceal") end ---@param plugin LazyPlugin function M:diagnostics(plugin) if plugin._.updated then if plugin._.updated.from == plugin._.updated.to then self:diagnostic({ message = "already up to date", }) else self:diagnostic({ message = "updated from " .. plugin._.updated.from:sub(1, 7) .. " to " .. plugin._.updated.to:sub(1, 7), }) end elseif plugin._.has_updates then self:diagnostic({ message = "updates available", }) end for _, task in ipairs(plugin._.tasks or {}) do if task:is_running() then self:diagnostic({ severity = vim.diagnostic.severity.WARN, message = task.name .. (task.status == "" and "" or (": " .. task.status)), }) elseif task.error then self:diagnostic({ message = task.name .. " failed", severity = vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR, }) end end end ---@param plugin LazyPlugin function M:plugin(plugin) if plugin._.loaded then self:append(" ● ", "LazySpecial"):append(plugin.name) else self:append(" ○ ", "LazySpecial"):append(plugin.name) end local plugin_start = self:row() if plugin._.loaded then self:reason(plugin._.loaded) end self:diagnostics(plugin) self:nl() if self._details == plugin.name then self:details(plugin) end self:tasks(plugin) self.plugin_range[plugin.name] = { from = plugin_start, to = self:row() - 1 } end ---@param plugin LazyPlugin function M:tasks(plugin) for _, task in ipairs(plugin._.tasks or {}) do if self._details == plugin.name then self:append("✔ [task] ", "Title", { indent = 4 }):append(task.name) self:append(" " .. math.floor((task:time()) * 100) / 100 .. "ms", "Bold") self:nl() end if task.name == "log" and not task.error then self:log(task) elseif task.error or self._details == plugin.name then if task.error then self:append(vim.trim(task.error), "LazyError", { indent = 4, prefix = "│ " }) self:nl() end if task.output ~= "" and task.output ~= task.error then self:append(vim.trim(task.output), "MsgArea", { indent = 4, prefix = "│ " }) self:nl() end end end end ---@param task LazyTask function M:log(task) local log = vim.trim(task.output) if log ~= "" then local lines = vim.split(log, "\n") for _, line in ipairs(lines) do local ref, msg, time = line:match("^(%w+) (.*) (%(.*%))$") if msg:find("^%S+!:") then self:diagnostic({ message = "Breaking Changes", severity = vim.diagnostic.severity.WARN }) end self:append(ref .. " ", "LazyCommit", { indent = 6 }) self:append(vim.trim(msg)):highlight({ ["#%d+"] = "Number", ["^%S+:"] = "Title", ["^%S+(%(.*%)):"] = "Italic", ["`.-`"] = "@text.literal.markdown_inline", }) -- string.gsub self:append(" " .. time, "Comment") self:nl() end self:nl() end end ---@param plugin LazyPlugin function M:details(plugin) ---@type string[][] local props = {} table.insert(props, { "dir", plugin.dir, "@text.reference" }) if plugin.url then table.insert(props, { "url", (plugin.url:gsub("%.git$", "")), "@text.reference" }) end local git = Git.info(plugin.dir, true) if git then git.branch = git.branch or Git.get_branch(plugin) if git.version then table.insert(props, { "version", tostring(git.version) }) end if git.tag then table.insert(props, { "tag", git.tag }) end if git.branch then table.insert(props, { "branch", git.branch }) end table.insert(props, { "commit", git.commit:sub(1, 7), "LazyCommit" }) end if Util.file_exists(plugin.dir .. "/README.md") then table.insert(props, { "readme", "README.md" }) end Util.ls(plugin.dir .. "/doc", function(path, name) if name:sub(-3) == "txt" then local data = Util.read_file(path) local tag = data:match("%*(%S-)%*") if tag then table.insert(props, { "help", "|" .. tag .. "|" }) end end end) for handler in pairs(Handler.types) do if plugin[handler] then table.insert(props, { handler, function() for _, value in ipairs(plugin[handler]) do self:reason({ [handler] = value }) self:append(" ") end end, }) end end local width = 0 for _, prop in ipairs(props) do width = math.max(width, #prop[1]) end for _, prop in ipairs(props) do self:append(prop[1] .. string.rep(" ", width - #prop[1] + 1), "LazyKey", { indent = 6 }) if type(prop[2]) == "function" then prop[2]() else self:append(prop[2], prop[3] or "LazyValue") end self:nl() end self:nl() end function M:profile() self:append("Profile", "LazyH2"):nl():nl() local symbols = { "●", "➜", "★", "‒", } ---@param entry LazyProfile local function _profile(entry, depth) local data = type(entry.data) == "string" and { source = entry.data } or entry.data data.time = entry.time local symbol = symbols[depth] or symbols[#symbols] self:append((" "):rep(depth)):append(" " .. symbol, "LazySpecial"):append(" ") self:reason(data, { time_right = true }) self:nl() for _, child in ipairs(entry) do _profile(child, depth + 1) end end for _, entry in ipairs(Util._profiles[1]) do _profile(entry, 1) end end function M:debug() self:append("Active Handlers", "LazyH2"):nl() self :append( "This shows only the lazy handlers that are still active. When a plugin loads, its handlers are removed", "Comment", { indent = 2 } ) :nl() Util.foreach(require("lazy.core.handler").handlers, function(type, handler) Util.foreach(handler.active, function(value, plugins) if not vim.tbl_isempty(plugins) then plugins = vim.tbl_values(plugins) table.sort(plugins) self:append("● ", "LazySpecial", { indent = 2 }) self:reason({ [type] = value }) for _, plugin in pairs(plugins) do self:append(" ") self:reason({ plugin = plugin }) end self:nl() end end) end) self:nl() self:append("Cache", "LazyH2"):nl() local Cache = require("lazy.core.cache") Util.foreach(Cache.cache, function(modname, entry) local kb = math.floor(#entry.chunk / 10.24) / 100 self:append("● ", "LazySpecial", { indent = 2 }):append(modname):append(" " .. kb .. "Kb", "Bold"):nl() end) end return M