# ⚡ Profiling & Debug Great care has been taken to make the startup code (`lazy.core`) as efficient as possible. During startup, all Lua files used before `VimEnter` or `BufReadPre` are byte-compiled and cached, similar to what [impatient.nvim](https://github.com/lewis6991/impatient.nvim) does. My config for example loads in about `11ms` with `93` plugins. I do a lot of lazy-loading though :) **lazy.nvim** comes with an advanced profiler `:Lazy profile` to help you improve performance. The profiling view shows you why and how long it took to load your plugins. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/292349/208301766-5c400561-83c3-4811-9667-1ec4bb3c43b8.png) ## 🐛 Debug See an overview of active lazy-loading handlers and what's in the module cache. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/292349/208301790-7eedbfa5-d202-4e70-852e-de68aa47233b.png)