vim.opt.rtp:append(".") local Rocks = require("lazy.pkg.rockspec") local Semver = require("lazy.manage.semver") local Util = require("lazy.util") local M = {} M.patterns = { "nvim", "treesitter", "tree-sitter", "cmp", "neo" } function M.fetch(url, file, prefix) if not vim.uv.fs_stat(file) then print((prefix or "") .. "Fetching " .. url .. " to " .. file .. "\n") vim.cmd.redraw() local out = vim.fn.system("wget " .. url .. " -O " .. file) if vim.v.shell_error ~= 0 then pcall(vim.uv.fs_unlink, file) error("Failed to fetch " .. url .. ":\n" .. out) end end end ---@return RockManifest? function M.fetch_manifest() local manifest_file = "build/manifest.lua" M.fetch("", manifest_file) return Rocks.parse(manifest_file) end function M.fetch_rockspec(name, version, prefix) version = version or "scm-1" local url = "" .. name .. "-" .. version .. ".rockspec" M.fetch(url, "build/" .. name .. ".rockspec", prefix) end function vim.fn.mkdir("build", "p") local manifest = M.fetch_manifest() or {} ---@type {name:string, version:string, url:string}[] local nvim_rocks = {} for rock, vv in pairs(manifest.repository or {}) do local matches = false for _, pattern in ipairs(M.patterns) do if rock:find(pattern, 1, true) then matches = true break end end if matches then local versions = vim.tbl_map(Semver.version, vim.tbl_keys(vv)) versions = vim.tbl_filter(function(v) return not not v end, versions) local last = Semver.last(versions) or next(vv) last = type(last) == "table" and last.input or last table.insert(nvim_rocks, { name = rock, version = last }) end end table.sort(nvim_rocks, function(a, b) return < end) for r, rock in ipairs(nvim_rocks) do local progress = string.format("[%d/%d] ", r, #nvim_rocks) local ok, err = pcall(M.fetch_rockspec,, rock.version, progress) if not ok then err = vim.trim("Error: " .. err) local lines = vim.split(err, "\n") lines = vim.tbl_map(function(line) return " " .. line end, lines) print(table.concat(lines, "\n") .. "\n") end end for _, rock in ipairs(nvim_rocks) do local rockspec = Rocks.rockspec("build/" .. .. ".rockspec") if rockspec then local url = rockspec.source and rockspec.source.url -- parse github short url if url and url:find("://") then url = url:gsub("^.*://", "") local parts = vim.split(url, "/") url = parts[1] .. "/" .. parts[2] url = url:gsub("%.git$", "") end if url then rock.url = url print( .. " " .. url) else print("Error: " .. .. " missing source url\n\n") print(vim.inspect(rockspec) .. "\n") end end end Util.write_file("lua/lazy/community/_generated.lua", "return \n" .. vim.inspect(nvim_rocks)) end return M