diff --git a/.babelrc b/.babelrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..94c56f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/.babelrc @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{ "presets": ["@babel/preset-flow"] } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.idea/misc.xml b/.idea/misc.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..28a804d --- /dev/null +++ b/.idea/misc.xml @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.idea/workspace.xml b/.idea/workspace.xml index ff43f19..5109b78 100644 --- a/.idea/workspace.xml +++ b/.idea/workspace.xml @@ -5,6 +5,13 @@ + + + + + + + - { - "keyToString": { - "RunOnceActivity.OpenProjectViewOnStart": "true", - "RunOnceActivity.ShowReadmeOnStart": "true", - "WebServerToolWindowFactoryState": "false", - "git-widget-placeholder": "dev", - "last_opened_file_path": "/home/user/Documents/fd_data-structures/pj/frontend", - "node.js.detected.package.eslint": "true", - "node.js.detected.package.tslint": "true", - "node.js.selected.package.eslint": "(autodetect)", - "node.js.selected.package.tslint": "(autodetect)", - "nodejs_interpreter_path": "/home/user/.nvm/versions/node/v20.10.0/bin/node", - "nodejs_package_manager_path": "npm", - "settings.editor.selected.configurable": "settings.nodejs", - "vue.rearranger.settings.migration": "true" + +}]]> @@ -81,6 +91,9 @@ + + + diff --git a/api/click.js b/api/click.js index 5481d89..7651363 100644 --- a/api/click.js +++ b/api/click.js @@ -1,19 +1,167 @@ -import {post} from "../src/Networking"; +import {MinPriorityQueue} from "@datastructures-js/priority-queue"; + +function haversine_distance(p1,p2) { + const toRadians = (degrees) => { + return degrees * Math.PI / 180; + }; + const [lat1, lon1] = p1; + const [lat2, lon2] = p2; + const R = 6371; + const dLat = toRadians(lat2 - lat1); + const dLon = toRadians(lon2 - lon1); + const a = Math.sin(dLat / 2) * Math.sin(dLat / 2) + + Math.cos(toRadians(lat1)) * Math.cos(toRadians(lat2)) * + Math.sin(dLon / 2) * Math.sin(dLon / 2); + const c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a)); + if (R * c < 0) console.log("WARNING!!!"); + return R * c; +} + +function find_nearest_node_id(nodes, point) { + const [lat, lon] = point; + let min_distance = 1e100; + let res = 0; + for (let node_id in nodes) { + const curr_distance = haversine_distance(nodes[node_id], point); + if (curr_distance < min_distance) { + min_distance = curr_distance; + res = node_id; + } + } + return res; +} + +function __spa(nodes, ch, u, p) { + console.log(`node count: ${Object.keys(nodes).length}`); + const weight_cache = {}; + try { + const get_weight = (n1, n2) => { + const tup = [n1, n2]; + if (weight_cache[tup]) { + return weight_cache[[n1, n2]]; + } + // console.log("21"); + // console.log(`${nodes[n1]} ${nodes[n2]}`); + weight_cache[tup] = haversine_distance(nodes[n1], nodes[n2]); + return weight_cache[tup]; + }; + const dis = {}; + const fa = {}; + const vis = new Set(); + const pq = new MinPriorityQueue(); + // console.log(`nodes: ${JSON.stringify(nodes)}`); + dis[u] = 0; + pq.push([0, u]); + while (!pq.isEmpty()) { + const [d, v] = pq.pop(); + if (vis.has(v) || !ch[v]) continue; + vis.add(v); + const t = ch[v].length; + for (let j = 0; j < t; ++j) { + const c = ch[v][j]; + if (!nodes[c]) continue; + const w = get_weight(v, c); + if (!dis[c] || d + w < dis[c]) { + dis[c] = d + w; + pq.push([dis[c], c]); + fa[c] = v; + } + } + } + // console.log(`fa = ${JSON.stringify(fa)}`); + let curr = p; + const res = [p]; + // console.log(JSON.stringify(p)); + vis.clear(); + while (fa[curr]) { + // console.log(JSON.stringify(curr)); + curr = fa[curr].toString(); + if(vis.has(curr)) { + console.log(`Cycle at ${curr}`); + break; + } + vis.add(curr); + res.push(curr); + } + console.log("finished __spa."); + // console.log(JSON.stringify(res)); + return res; + } catch (e) { + console.log(e); + } +} + +function shortest_path(nodes, ways, start_point, end_point){ + try { // console.log(`Calling shortest_path(${nodes},${ways},${start_point},${end_point})`); + const ch_dict = {}; + for (const way_id in ways) { + const l = ways[way_id]; + const n = l.length; + for (let i = 1; i < n; ++i) { + if (ch_dict[l[i]]) { + ch_dict[l[i]].push(l[i - 1]); + } else { + ch_dict[l[i]] = [l[i - 1]]; + } + if (ch_dict[l[i - 1]]) { + ch_dict[l[i - 1]].push(l[i]); + } else { + ch_dict[l[i - 1]] = [l[i]]; + } + } + } + // console.log(ch_dict); + const clean_nodes = {}; + Object.keys(nodes).forEach((node_id) => { + if (ch_dict[node_id]) clean_nodes[node_id] = nodes[node_id]; + }); + const actual_start_node_id = find_nearest_node_id(clean_nodes, start_point); + const actual_end_node_id = find_nearest_node_id(clean_nodes, end_point); + console.log("calling __spa..."); + const seq = __spa(clean_nodes, ch_dict, actual_start_node_id, actual_end_node_id); + const res = [end_point]; + seq.forEach((node_id) => { + if (clean_nodes[node_id]) res.push(clean_nodes[node_id]); + }); + res.push(start_point); + return res; + } catch (e) { + console.log(e); + } +} + export default function handler(req,res){ const pts=JSON.parse(req.body); const latRange=pts.map((row)=>row[0]), lonRange=pts.map((row)=>row[1]); - const minlon=Math.min(...lonRange),minlat=Math.min(...latRange), - maxlon=Math.max(...lonRange),maxlat=Math.max(...latRange); - const request_uri=`https://www.overpass-api.de/api/interpreter?data=[out:json];node[highway](${minlat},${minlon},${maxlat},${maxlon});out;`; + const minlon=Math.min(...lonRange) - 0.01,minlat=Math.min(...latRange) - 0.01, + maxlon=Math.max(...lonRange) + 0.01,maxlat=Math.max(...latRange) + 0.01; + // console.log(`1+1`); + const request_uri=`https://www.overpass-api.de/api/interpreter?data=[out:json];way[highway](${minlat},${minlon},${maxlat},${maxlon});(._;>;);out body;`; + console.log(`Requesting ${request_uri}`); const fetch_debug_response= fetch(request_uri).then((response)=>{ return response.json(); }); fetch_debug_response.then((debug_response)=>{ + console.log(debug_response); + let ps = {}; + let ws = {}; + debug_response.elements.forEach((it)=> { + if (it.type === "node") { + ps[it.id] = [it.lat,it.lon]; + } else if (it.type === "way") { + ws[it.id] = it.nodes; + } + }); + // console.log(`pts[0]: ${pts[0]}`); + const path_found = shortest_path(ps,ws,pts[0],pts[pts.length - 1]); + // const path_found = []; + // console.log(JSON.stringify(path_found)); res.status(200).json({ log: `Method: click\nArgs: ${pts}\nStatus: requested "${request_uri}", got response ${JSON.stringify(debug_response.elements)}`, - multipolyline: JSON.stringify(pts), + multipolyline: JSON.stringify(path_found), + // __debug_pts: ps }); }).catch(e=>{ res.status(500); diff --git a/api/handshake.js b/api/handshake.js index 5233195..2421e38 100644 --- a/api/handshake.js +++ b/api/handshake.js @@ -1,11 +1,8 @@ const __DEBUG__=1, - __APP_VERSION__='v0.1.2a', + __APP_VERSION__='v0.1.3a', __APP_INTRO__=` -Relocating Support -Can't find where you are from? We now memorize the last location you visited. Tap the "Relocate" button to find your way home.
-Nearby Search -You can first locate a general area and schedule detailed travel plan later. Tap the magnifier/gear icon to toggle between Nearby Search mode and Global Search mode. -This update also includes several stability and UI improvements. +Right way to follow.
+In this update you can find a shortest route for any given start and destination.
`; export default function handler(req,res){ diff --git a/example/interpreter.json b/example/interpreter.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f01b02 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/interpreter.json @@ -0,0 +1,11667 @@ +{ + "version": 0.6, + "generator": "Overpass API 4133829e", + "osm3s": { + "timestamp_osm_base": "2023-12-24T13:13:51Z", + "copyright": "The data included in this document is from www.openstreetmap.org. The data is made available under ODbL." + }, + "elements": [ + +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 26149271, + "lat": 37.3277628, + "lon": -122.0142492 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 26149272, + "lat": 37.3248152, + "lon": -122.0172044 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 26149273, + "lat": 37.3263509, + "lon": -122.0172392 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 26149274, + "lat": 37.3266356, + "lon": -122.0162411 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 26149278, + "lat": 37.3287162, + "lon": -122.0162183 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 26149279, + "lat": 37.3288190, + "lon": -122.0157461 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 26149280, + "lat": 37.3288036, + "lon": -122.0153899 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 26149281, + "lat": 37.3287258, + "lon": -122.0152973 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 26149285, + "lat": 37.3286303, + "lon": -122.0135017 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 26149286, + "lat": 37.3286410, + "lon": -122.0123593 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 26149287, + "lat": 37.3279013, + "lon": -122.0135193 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 26149288, + "lat": 37.3276935, + "lon": -122.0139891 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 26497360, + "lat": 37.3285333, + "lon": -122.0142839 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 33440837, + "lat": 37.3310249, + "lon": -122.0142770 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 33440842, + "lat": 37.3301086, + "lon": -122.0142892 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 33440868, + "lat": 37.3278962, + "lon": -122.0153011 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 33440879, + "lat": 37.3301622, + "lon": -122.0143891 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 33440883, + "lat": 37.3310740, + "lon": -122.0143738 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 38457727, + "lat": 37.3298563, + "lon": -122.0122072 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 65402874, + "lat": 37.3319165, + "lon": -122.0139252 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 65402876, + "lat": 37.3314625, + "lon": -122.0132483 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 65406839, + "lat": 37.3307326, + "lon": -122.0139915 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 65406841, + "lat": 37.3306559, + "lon": -122.0137356 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 65406843, + "lat": 37.3307329, + "lon": -122.0134311 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 65406845, + "lat": 37.3309307, + "lon": -122.0132481 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 65406848, + "lat": 37.3311968, + "lon": -122.0132570 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 65406852, + "lat": 37.3313704, + "lon": -122.0140369 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 65406866, + "lat": 37.3292306, + "lon": -122.0144669, + "tags": { + "highway": "traffic_signals" + } +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 65406868, + "lat": 37.3292891, + "lon": -122.0147369 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 65406871, + "lat": 37.3294558, + "lon": -122.0151246 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 65410690, + "lat": 37.3303552, + "lon": -122.0144837 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 65410695, + "lat": 37.3304448, + "lon": -122.0146761 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 65410697, + "lat": 37.3305064, + "lon": -122.0150751, + "tags": { + "highway": "traffic_signals", + "traffic_signals": "ramp_meter" + } +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 65410700, + "lat": 37.3303467, + "lon": -122.0153423 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 65410702, + "lat": 37.3300420, + "lon": -122.0154078 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 65410703, + "lat": 37.3297874, + "lon": -122.0151557 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 65410705, + "lat": 37.3297665, + "lon": -122.0148434 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 65410707, + "lat": 37.3298746, + "lon": -122.0144013 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 65584605, + "lat": 37.3255975, + "lon": -122.0144024, + "tags": { + "highway": "traffic_signals" + } +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 78944514, + "lat": 37.3317038, + "lon": -122.0146426, + "tags": { + "highway": "traffic_signals", + "traffic_signals": "ramp_meter" + } +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 78944554, + "lat": 37.3303904, + "lon": -122.0127646 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 78944587, + "lat": 37.3306239, + "lon": -122.0157034 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 78944622, + "lat": 37.3295325, + "lon": -122.0140087 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 78944655, + "lat": 37.3277494, + "lon": -122.0136416 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 206691786, + "lat": 37.3319901, + "lon": -122.0172854, + "tags": { + "highway": "motorway_junction", + "ref": "10", + "source": "http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/traffops/signtech/calnexus/pdf/twoeightynorth.pdf;http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/traffops/signtech/calnexus/pdf/twoeightysouth.pdf" + } +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 206691795, + "lat": 37.3289016, + "lon": -122.0113441 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 247385931, + "lat": 37.3326881, + "lon": -122.0143925 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 247385932, + "lat": 37.3314743, + "lon": -122.0148719 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 247385933, + "lat": 37.3314279, + "lon": -122.0151330 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 247385934, + "lat": 37.3309497, + "lon": -122.0158507 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 251390362, + "lat": 37.3301035, + "lon": -122.0156176 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 251390364, + "lat": 37.3290097, + "lon": -122.0144758 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 258965243, + "lat": 37.3319718, + "lon": -122.0142634, + "tags": { + "highway": "traffic_signals", + "source": "Bing" + } +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 272145318, + "lat": 37.3298360, + "lon": -122.0155068 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 272145321, + "lat": 37.3317146, + "lon": -122.0170200, + "tags": { + "man_made": "monitoring_station", + "monitoring:traffic": "yes", + "recording:automated": "yes" + } +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 289638185, + "lat": 37.3301908, + "lon": -122.0154212 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 289638273, + "lat": 37.3294595, + "lon": -122.0140349 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 289638274, + "lat": 37.3297381, + "lon": -122.0137568, + "tags": { + "highway": "traffic_signals", + "traffic_signals": "ramp_meter" + } +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 289638735, + "lat": 37.3290405, + "lon": -122.0110686, + "tags": { + "highway": "motorway_junction", + "ref": "10", + "source": "http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/traffops/signtech/calnexus/pdf/twoeightynorth.pdf;http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/traffops/signtech/calnexus/pdf/twoeightysouth.pdf" + } +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 289638737, + "lat": 37.3317163, + "lon": -122.0135327 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 289638875, + "lat": 37.3312564, + "lon": -122.0141666, + "tags": { + "crossing": "marked", + "highway": "crossing" + } +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 289638876, + "lat": 37.3314384, + "lon": -122.0138596 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 289638877, + "lat": 37.3314484, + "lon": -122.0136659 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 289638878, + "lat": 37.3314039, + "lon": -122.0134882 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 289638879, + "lat": 37.3313171, + "lon": -122.0133464 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 289638880, + "lat": 37.3310638, + "lon": -122.0132248 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 289638881, + "lat": 37.3308207, + "lon": -122.0133212 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 289638882, + "lat": 37.3306754, + "lon": -122.0135765 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 289638883, + "lat": 37.3306913, + "lon": -122.0139022 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 289638989, + "lat": 37.3298382, + "lon": -122.0146610 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 289638990, + "lat": 37.3297627, + "lon": -122.0150554 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 289638991, + "lat": 37.3298378, + "lon": -122.0152417 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 289638992, + "lat": 37.3304581, + "lon": -122.0152130 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 289638993, + "lat": 37.3305073, + "lon": -122.0148838 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 289652355, + "lat": 37.3256054, + "lon": -122.0142131, + "tags": { + "highway": "traffic_signals" + } +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 306087470, + "lat": 37.3319609, + "lon": -122.0143810, + "tags": { + "highway": "traffic_signals", + "source": "Bing" + } +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 349271220, + "lat": 37.3286037, + "lon": -122.0140833 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 519460942, + "lat": 37.3285944, + "lon": -122.0146285 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 519461578, + "lat": 37.3280106, + "lon": -122.0144911 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 519461599, + "lat": 37.3278018, + "lon": -122.0146400, + "tags": { + "crossing": "marked", + "crossing:markings": "yes", + "highway": "crossing" + } +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 665704186, + "lat": 37.3327390, + "lon": -122.0142379 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 1067707159, + "lat": 37.3304074, + "lon": -122.0137020 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 1067712932, + "lat": 37.3322531, + "lon": -122.0172581 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 1293729054, + "lat": 37.3237114, + "lon": -122.0172728 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 1297872057, + "lat": 37.3319792, + "lon": -122.0164415 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 1297872063, + "lat": 37.3302991, + "lon": -122.0127202 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 1297872071, + "lat": 37.3325585, + "lon": -122.0144646 +}, +{ + "type": "node", + "id": 1297872075, + "lat": 37.3313667, + "lon": -122.0134143 +}, +{ + 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