from copy import deepcopy from typing import Iterable, List from abc import abstractmethod, ABC import numpy as np from numpy.random import rand import progressbar def round_u(x: float) -> int: return int(x + 0.5) def reversed_enumerate(x: Iterable): x = list(x) i = len(x) while i > 0: i -= 1 yield i, x[i] class ActivationFuncGenerator(ABC): @abstractmethod def call(self, z: float | np.float64 | np.ndarray) -> np.float64 | np.ndarray: pass @abstractmethod def df_dz(self, z: float | np.float64 | np.ndarray) -> np.float64 | np.ndarray: pass class LossFuncGenerator(ABC): @abstractmethod def call(self, p: float | np.float64 | np.ndarray, y: float | np.float64 | np.ndarray) -> np.float64 | np.ndarray: pass @abstractmethod def dl_dp(self, p: float | np.float64 | np.ndarray, y: float | np.float64 | np.ndarray) -> np.float64 | np.ndarray: """ :param p: predicted value :param y: target value :return: a positive number """ pass class Sigmoid(ActivationFuncGenerator): def call(self, z: float | np.float64 | np.ndarray) -> np.float64 | np.ndarray: return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z)) def df_dz(self, z: float | np.float64 | np.ndarray) -> np.float64 | np.ndarray: if isinstance(z, np.ndarray): return np.array([np.exp(-z[i]) / np.power((1 + np.exp(-z[i])), 2) for i in range(z.shape[0])]) return np.exp(-z) / np.power((1 + np.exp(-z)), 2) class CrossEntropy(LossFuncGenerator): def call(self, p: float | np.float64, y: float | np.float64 | np.ndarray) -> np.float64 | np.ndarray: return - y * np.log(p) - (1 - y) * np.log(1 - p) def dl_dp(self, p: float | np.float64, y: float | np.float64 | np.ndarray) -> np.float64 | np.ndarray: if isinstance(p, np.ndarray) and isinstance(y, np.ndarray): return np.array([np.float64(- y[i] / p[i] + (1 - y[i]) / (1 - p[i])) for i in range(p.shape[0])]) else: return np.float64(- y / p + (1 - y) / (1 - p)) def __init__(self): pass class Dense: def __init__(self, units: int, activation_func: ActivationFuncGenerator, params: int): self.units, self.activation_func = units, activation_func self.params = params self.w = rand(units, params) / 10.0 self.b = rand(units) / 10.0 def predict(self, x: np.ndarray, no_activation: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: assert x.shape == (self.params,) return (np.matmul(self.w, x) + self.b) if no_activation \ else, x) + self.b) class Model: def __init__(self, units: np.ndarray, input_params: int, activation_func: ActivationFuncGenerator, loss_func: LossFuncGenerator): self.layers: list[Dense] = [] self.input_params = input_params self.activation_func = activation_func self.loss_func = loss_func f = input_params for u in units: self.layers.append(Dense(u, activation_func, f)) f = u self.total_params = sum([layer.w.size for layer in self.layers]) self.total_units = sum([layer.w.shape[0] for layer in self.layers]) if units[-1] != 1: print('WARNING: Not a predicting model') def get_w_tensor(self): return np.array([d.w for d in self.layers]) def get_w_sum(self): return sum([np.sum(layer.w) for layer in self.layers]) def new_cache(self): r = [] for layer in self.layers: n = np.zeros(layer.w.shape) r.append(n) return np.array(r, dtype=object) def predict(self, feature: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: assert feature.shape == (self.input_params,) o = feature for layer in self.layers: o = layer.predict(o) return o def predict_verbose(self, feature: np.ndarray) -> tuple[list[np.ndarray], list[np.ndarray]]: """ get every `z` and `a` in the predicting process. :param feature: feature :return: a tuple comprising two lists `z` and `a` of size [layers, units] """ assert feature.shape == (self.input_params,) z = [] a = [] o = feature for layer in self.layers: z.append(layer.predict(o, no_activation=True)) a.append(layer.predict(o)) o = layer.predict(o) return z, a def get_loss(self, x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> np.float64: l = np.float64(0) for i in range(x.shape[0]): l +=[i])[0], y[i]) l /= x.shape[0] return l def evaluate(self, x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> np.float64: pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar( widgets=['Verifying ', progressbar.Percentage('%(percentage)3d%%'), ' ', progressbar.Bar('#'), ' ', progressbar.Timer(), ' ', progressbar.ETA(), ' '], maxval=100) correct, incorrect = 0, 0 for i in range(y.size): pbar.update(min((i + 1) / y.size * 100.0, 100)) if round_u(float(self.predict(x[i]))) == y[i]: correct += 1 else: incorrect += 1 pbar.finish() print(f'\nTotal: {y.size}, Correct: {correct}, Incorrect: {incorrect}') print(f'Rate: {correct / y.size * 100.0:.4f}%, Loss: {self.get_loss(x, y)}') return self.get_loss(x, y) def train(self, x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, epoch_count: int, alpha: float): """ Train the model using given data set. :param x: array of size (m, n) :param y: array of size (n, ) :param epoch_count: epoch count :param alpha: learning rate :return: the model itself """ assert x.shape[1] == self.input_params print('WARNING: Start training ...') new_layers = deepcopy(self.layers) # don't repeatedly calculate prediction, `z` and `a` in each epoch for e in range(epoch_count): print(f'Epoch {e + 1}/{epoch_count}, loss {self.get_loss(x, y)}') pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar( widgets=[progressbar.Percentage('%(percentage)3.4f%%'), ' ', progressbar.Bar('#'), ' ', progressbar.Timer(), ' ', progressbar.ETA(), ' '], maxval=100) c = 0 cc = self.total_params * len(x) for i in range(len(x)): feature, target = x[i], y[i] f = len(self.layers) - 1 z, a = self.predict_verbose(feature) prediction = float(self.predict(feature)) factor = alpha * self.loss_func.dl_dp(prediction, target) cache = self.new_cache() for l, layer in reversed_enumerate(self.layers): for j in range(layer.units): pbar.update(c / cc * 100.0) for k in range(layer.params): c += 1 new_layers[l].w[j, k] -= factor * self.pd(z, a, j, k, l, 0, f, feature, cache) self.layers = new_layers pbar.finish() return self def pd(self, z: List[np.ndarray], a: List[np.ndarray], t_unit: int, t_param: int, t_layer: int, c_unit: int, c_layer: int, features: np.ndarray, cache: np.ndarray) -> int: result = 0 for i in range(cache[t_layer + 1].shape[0]): result += cache[t_layer + 1] result = self.activation_func.df_dz(z[c_layer][c_unit]) if c_layer == t_layer and t_unit == c_unit: if c_layer == 0: result *= features[t_param] else: result *= a[c_layer - 1][t_param] elif c_layer == t_layer and t_unit != c_unit: result = 0 else: total_params = self.layers[c_layer - 1].units r = 0 for i in range(total_params): r += self.layers[c_layer].w[c_unit, i] \ * self.pd(z, a, t_unit, t_param, t_layer, i, c_layer - 1, features) result *= r cache[t_layer][t_unit, t_param] = result return result def train_ng(self, x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, epoch_count: int, alpha: float): assert x.shape[1] == self.input_params for e in range(epoch_count): print(f'\nEpoch {e + 1}/{epoch_count}, loss {self.get_loss(x, y)}') pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar( widgets=[progressbar.Percentage('%(percentage)3.4f%%'), ' ', progressbar.Bar('#'), ' ', progressbar.Timer(), ' ', progressbar.ETA(), ' '], maxval=100) c = 0 cc = self.total_units * len(x) c += 1 pbar.update(min(c / cc * 100.0, 100)) for i in range(len(x)): dj_da = [[0] * layer.units for layer in self.layers] dj_dw = self.new_cache() dj_db = [[0] * layer.units for layer in self.layers] layers = deepcopy(self.layers) feature, target = x[i], y[i] z, a = self.predict_verbose(feature) prediction = float(self.predict(feature)) dj_da[-1][0] = self.loss_func.dl_dp(prediction, target) tp = self.loss_func.dl_dp(prediction, target) for m in range(layers[-1].params): dj_dw[-1][0, m] = tp * self.activation_func.df_dz(z[-1][0]) * a[-2][m] layers[-1].w[0, m] -= alpha * dj_dw[-1][0, m] dj_db[-1][0] = tp * self.activation_func.df_dz(z[-1][0]) layers[-1].b[0] -= alpha * dj_db[-1][0] j = len(layers) - 2 for _, layer in reversed_enumerate(layers[1:-1]): for k in range(layers[j].units): c += 1 pbar.update(min(c / cc * 100.0, 100)) for l in range(layers[j + 1].units): tp = dj_da[j + 1][l] * self.activation_func.df_dz(z[j + 1][l]) * self.layers[j + 1].w[l, k] dj_da[j][k] += tp for m in range(layers[j].params): dj_dw[j][k, m] += tp * self.activation_func.df_dz(z[j][k]) * a[j - 1][m] dj_db[j][k] += tp * self.activation_func.df_dz(z[j][k]) for m in range(layers[j].params): layers[j].w[k, m] -= alpha * dj_dw[j][k, m] layers[j].b[k] -= alpha * dj_db[j][k] j -= 1 for k in range(layers[0].units): c += 1 # pbar.update(min(c / cc * 100.0, 100)) for l in range(layers[1].units): tp = dj_da[1][l] * self.activation_func.df_dz(z[1][l]) * self.layers[1].w[l, k] dj_da[0][k] += tp for m in range(layers[0].params): dj_dw[0][k, m] += tp * self.activation_func.df_dz(z[0][k]) * feature[m] dj_db[0][k] = tp * self.activation_func.df_dz(z[0][k]) for m in range(layers[0].params): dj_dw[0][k, m] -= alpha * dj_dw[0][k, m] self.layers = deepcopy(layers) pbar.finish() return 0 def train_2(self, x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, epoch_count: int, alpha: float, lambda_: float): print('WARNING: Start training ...') try: for e in range(epoch_count): print(f'\nEpoch {e + 1}/{epoch_count}, loss {self.get_loss(x, y)}') pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar( widgets=[progressbar.Percentage('%(percentage)3.4f%%'), ' ', progressbar.Bar('#'), ' ', progressbar.Timer(), ' ', progressbar.ETA(), ' '], maxval=100) c = 0 cc = x.shape[0] * len(self.layers) for i in range(x.shape[0]): layers = deepcopy(self.layers) feature, target = x[i], y[i] z, a = self.predict_verbose(feature) prediction = float(self.predict(feature)) dj_dz = [np.zeros((layer.units,)) for layer in self.layers] dj_db = [np.zeros((layer.units,)) for layer in self.layers] dj_dw = [np.zeros((layer.units, layer.params)) for layer in self.layers] for l in range(len(self.layers) - 1, -1, -1): c += 1 pbar.update(c / cc * 100.0) if l == len(self.layers) - 1: dj_dz[l] = self.loss_func.dl_dp(prediction, target) \ * self.activation_func.df_dz(z[-1]) else: dj_dz[l] =[l + 1], self.layers[l + 1].w) * self.activation_func.df_dz(z[l]) dj_db[l] = dj_dz[l] layers[l].b -= alpha * dj_db[l] if l == 0: dj_dw[l] = np.matmul(dj_dz[l].reshape(dj_dz[l].shape[0], 1), feature.reshape(1, feature.shape[0])) else: dj_dw[l] = np.matmul(dj_dz[l].reshape(dj_dz[l].shape[0], 1), a[l - 1].reshape(1, a[l-1].shape[0])) layers[l].w -= alpha * (dj_dw[l] + lambda_ * self.layers[l].w / x.shape[0]) # L2 regularization self.layers = layers pbar.finish() except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\nTraining process interrupted. Data since last the last epoch will be lost.\n')