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# Build (Windows)
To build the dependencies & the project itself, The following must be installed:
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2019/2022 (VS2019/VS2022)
- [CMake](https://cmake.org/)
## Dependencies
> For each dependency, CMD is assumed to be in the directory of `dependencies`. So, the first command is always changing into the directory which contains the dependency.
> **NOTE:** If you want to compile Libpqxx or install PostgreSQL locally, your OS username should NOT contain non-ASCII characters (e.g. Chinese characters). A workaround is to create a new administrator account whose username consists of only ASCII characters.
### [Boost](https://www.boost.org/)
cd boost
### [Crypto++](https://cryptopp.com/)
1. Go to `cryptopp`.
2. Use VS2019/VS2022 to open `cryptest.sln`.
3. For `Debug` `x64` configuration, open `Properties` of `cryptlib` project. In `C/C++` `Code Generation`, set `Runtime Library` to `Multithreading Debug DLL (/MDd)`.
4. For `Release` `x64` configuration, open `Properties` of `cryptlib` project. In `C/C++` `Code Generation`, set `Runtime Library` to `Multithreading DLL (/MD)`.
5. `Batch Build` `Debug` AND `Release` `x64` of `cryptlib`.
### [PostgreSQL](https://www.postgresql.org/)
*The database may not be installed locally. You should be able to connect to it.*
1. Use this [link](https://www.enterprisedb.com/download-postgresql-binaries) to download the binaries.
2. Unzip the zip archive here. It should be named `pgsql` and contains `bin`, `include` and `lib`.
### [Libpqxx](https://github.com/jtv/libpqxx)
1. Go to `libpqxx`.
2. Use `cmake-gui`:
- `Browse Source...` and `Browse Build...` to the root directory of `libpqxx`.
- `Add Entry`: `PostgreSQL_INCLUDE_DIR` (`PATH`) = `../../pgsql/include`
- `Add Entry`: `PostgreSQL_LIBRARY` (`FILEPATH`) = `../../pgsql/lib/libpq`
- `Configure`: Use default settings (`VS2019`/`VS2022` `x64`).
- `Generate`
3. Use VS2019/VS2022 to open `libpqxx.sln`.
4. `Batch Build` `Debug` AND `Release` `x64` of `pqxx`.
### [inja](https://github.com/pantor/inja)
*Nothing should be done...*
## Sample Project: `WebApp`
> Now we should go back to the root directory.
Use VS2019/VS2022 to open `WebApp.sln`, which is a sample project. Remember to properly configure the database and `config.json` before you `Run` the project.
> `bserv` and `WebApp` should be built in `Debug` or `Release` (`x64`), NOT (`Win32`/`x86`).