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# 🔌 Plugin Spec
## Source
| Property | Type | Description |
| --------- | ---------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **\[1\]** | `string?` | Short plugin url. Will be expanded using [`config.git.url_format`](../configuration/). Can also be a `url` or `dir`. |
| **dir** | `string?` | A directory pointing to a local plugin |
| **url** | `string?` | A custom git url where the plugin is hosted |
| **name** | `string?` | A custom name for the plugin used for the local plugin directory and as the display name |
| **dev** | `boolean?` | When `true`, a local plugin directory will be used instead. See [``](../configuration/) |
A valid spec should define one of `[1]`, `dir` or `url`.
## Loading
| Property | Type | Description |
| ---------------- | --------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **dependencies** | `LazySpec[]` | A list of plugin names or plugin specs that should be loaded when the plugin loads. Dependencies are always lazy-loaded unless specified otherwise. When specifying a name, make sure the plugin spec has been defined somewhere else. |
| **enabled** | `boolean?` or `fun():boolean` | When `false`, or if the `function` returns false, then this plugin will not be included in the spec |
| **cond** | `boolean?` or `fun(LazyPlugin):boolean` | Behaves the same as `enabled`, but won't uninstall the plugin when the condition is `false`. Useful to disable some plugins in vscode, or firenvim for example. |
| **priority** | `number?` | Only useful for **start** plugins (`lazy=false`) to force loading certain plugins first. Default priority is `50`. It's recommended to set this to a high number for colorschemes. |
## Setup
| Property | Type | Description |
| ---------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **init** | `fun(LazyPlugin)` | `init` functions are always executed during startup |
| **opts** | `table` or `fun(LazyPlugin, opts:table)` | `opts` should be a table (will be merged with parent specs), return a table (replaces parent specs) or should change a table. The table will be passed to the `Plugin.config()` function. Setting this value will imply `Plugin.config()` |
| **config** | `fun(LazyPlugin, opts:table)` or `true` | `config` is executed when the plugin loads. The default implementation will automatically run `require(MAIN).setup(opts)` if `opts` or `config = true` is set. Lazy uses several heuristics to determine the plugin's `MAIN` module automatically based on the plugin's **name**. See also `opts`. To use the default implementation without `opts` set `config` to `true`. |
| **main** | `string?` | You can specify the `main` module to use for `config()` and `opts()`, in case it can not be determined automatically. See `config()` |
| **build** | `fun(LazyPlugin)` or `string` or a list of build commands | `build` is executed when a plugin is installed or updated. Before running `build`, a plugin is first loaded. If it's a string it will be run as a shell command. When prefixed with `:` it is a Neovim command. You can also specify a list to executed multiple build commands. Some plugins provide their own `build.lua` which is automatically used by lazy. So no need to specify a build step for those plugins. |
| **rocks** | `string[]?` | Add any [luarocks]( dependencies. |
## Lazy Loading
| Property | Type | Description |
| --------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **lazy** | `boolean?` | When `true`, the plugin will only be loaded when needed. Lazy-loaded plugins are automatically loaded when their Lua modules are `required`, or when one of the lazy-loading handlers triggers |
| **event** | `string?` or `string[]` or `fun(self:LazyPlugin, event:string[]):string[]` or `{event:string[]\|string, pattern?:string[]\|string}` | Lazy-load on event. Events can be specified as `BufEnter` or with a pattern like `BufEnter *.lua` |
| **cmd** | `string?` or `string[]` or `fun(self:LazyPlugin, cmd:string[]):string[]` | Lazy-load on command |
| **ft** | `string?` or `string[]` or `fun(self:LazyPlugin, ft:string[]):string[]` | Lazy-load on filetype |
| **keys** | `string?` or `string[]` or `LazyKeysSpec[]` or `fun(self:LazyPlugin, keys:string[]):(string \| LazyKeysSpec)[]` | Lazy-load on [key mapping](/spec/lazy_loading#%EF%B8%8F-lazy-key-mappings) |
Refer to the [Lazy Loading](./ section for more information.
## Versioning
| Property | Type | Description |
| -------------- | -------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **branch** | `string?` | Branch of the repository |
| **tag** | `string?` | Tag of the repository |
| **commit** | `string?` | Commit of the repository |
| **version** | `string?` or `false` to override the default | Version to use from the repository. Full [Semver]( ranges are supported |
| **pin** | `boolean?` | When `true`, this plugin will not be included in updates |
| **submodules** | `boolean?` | When false, git submodules will not be fetched. Defaults to `true` |
Refer to the [Versioning](./ section for more information.
## Advanced
| Property | Type | Description |
| ------------ | ---------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **optional** | `boolean?` | When a spec is tagged optional, it will only be included in the final spec, when the same plugin has been specified at least once somewhere else without `optional`. This is mainly useful for Neovim distros, to allow setting options on plugins that may/may not be part of the user's plugins. |
| **specs** | `LazySpec` | A list of plugin specs defined in the scope of the plugin. This is mainly useful for Neovim distros, to allow setting options on plugins that may/may not be part of the user's plugins. When the plugin is disabled, none of the scoped specs will be included in the final spec. Similar to `dependencies` without the automatic loading of the specs. |
| **module** | `false?` | Do not automatically load this Lua module when it's required somewhere |
| **import** | `string?` | Import the given spec module. |