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📰 What's new?


  • New Website: There's a whole new website with a fresh look and improved documentation. Check it out at lazy.nvim. The GitHub has been updated to point to the new website. The vimdoc contains all the information that is available on the website.

  • Spec Resolution & Merging: the code that resolves a final spec from a plugin's fragments has been rewritten. This should be a tiny bit faster, but more importantly, fixes some issues and is easier to maintain.

  • rocks: specs can now specify a list of rocks (luarocks) that should be installed.

  • Packages can now specify their dependencies and configuration using one of:

    • Lazy: lazy.lua file
    • Rockspec: luarocks *-scm-1.rockspec file
    • Packspec: pkg.json (experimental, since the format is not quite there yet)